Message from @IliasSpook

Discord ID: 648728308934115339

2019-11-26 03:31:12 UTC  

But we are not at that point.

2019-11-26 03:31:26 UTC  

but you agree that we could evolve to have more genders right?

2019-11-26 03:31:40 UTC  

mammalian physiology for the time being does not accommodate multiple genders

2019-11-26 03:31:46 UTC  

so long as mammals exist

2019-11-26 03:31:51 UTC  

they cannot have multiple genders

2019-11-26 03:31:58 UTC  

we could socially construct our society a different way in order to get women to evolve to be more like men right? yay feminism

2019-11-26 03:32:19 UTC  

What we evolve into in several million years to have multiple genders won't even be recognizable as human

2019-11-26 03:32:28 UTC  

or mammalian for that matter

2019-11-26 03:32:33 UTC  

it is not human

2019-11-26 03:32:43 UTC  

therefore, humans cannot have more than two genders

2019-11-26 03:32:50 UTC  

fact is according to your world view gender does not exist outside human beings and human beings are a product of their environment.

2019-11-26 03:33:05 UTC  

When did I say gender doesn't exist outside of humans

2019-11-26 03:33:11 UTC  

stop projecting and come up with an actual argument

2019-11-26 03:33:14 UTC  

still waiting on the proof that evolution exists, got any?

2019-11-26 03:33:32 UTC  

i did, just because you can not effectively argue against it does not make it invalid

2019-11-26 03:33:37 UTC  

Hmmm let's see
>darwin's notes on finches undergoing different evolution for their environment

2019-11-26 03:33:54 UTC  

you believe gender is a product of evolution and nothing more

2019-11-26 03:34:21 UTC  

Every facet of biology is a product of evolution
Human nature is evolution, yet we cannot artificially change that

2019-11-26 03:34:34 UTC  

darwin noticed animals adapt to their environment. finding out different birds have different beaks does nto prove anything.

2019-11-26 03:34:40 UTC  

Adaptation is a form of evolution

2019-11-26 03:34:41 UTC  

try again

2019-11-26 03:34:47 UTC  

no it is not

2019-11-26 03:34:49 UTC  


2019-11-26 03:34:50 UTC  

it is

2019-11-26 03:35:08 UTC  

you can not adapt to the point where you become an different species you can only adabt to what your biology allows

2019-11-26 03:35:42 UTC  

it has never been observed or proven

2019-11-26 03:35:55 UTC  

but hey if you wish to take it on faith that is you

2019-11-26 03:36:14 UTC  

Different genes being passed on and modified according to their environment has happened before
>What is breeding dogs to the point where some breeds are practically different species via genetic selection and passing down adaptations

2019-11-26 03:36:18 UTC  

humans can not turn into frogs just because enough time has passed

2019-11-26 03:36:33 UTC  

humans can't turn into frogs because no circumstances we'd go through would allow for this

2019-11-26 03:36:38 UTC  

there is a logical limit to this

2019-11-26 03:36:42 UTC  

you fail to understand that

2019-11-26 03:36:46 UTC  

that is not evoltuion that is selective breeding, maybe you should learn what evolution is before you start with me

2019-11-26 03:36:58 UTC  

selective breeding is human driven evolution

2019-11-26 03:37:06 UTC  

it's the same principle sped up over time

2019-11-26 03:37:07 UTC  

dogs are still dogs and have not become a different species

2019-11-26 03:37:19 UTC  

They've become different from wolves, the species they originally were

2019-11-26 03:37:20 UTC  

ya exactly you need millions of years for your bs theory to work

2019-11-26 03:37:24 UTC  

creationism brain

2019-11-26 03:37:36 UTC  

Real bluepill hours

2019-11-26 03:37:43 UTC  

not a creationist, a nikola teslanist