Discord ID: 623715128587583508
@Traveler did that already.
I do shitpost everywhere
but I don’t see me stopping in the future
lol, I got kicked from a "fascist" server for saying National Socialism is a type of Fascism and that ethncity is and integral part of a nation.
are those niggas serious
Fascist race deniers aren't even actual fascists, they're pseuds
Lol wut
Very cringe stuff
the owner blocked me to
No loss
lol cucked and blue pilled
he was a jewish mixling too lol
Imagine not being a race realist and being so called facist
now you get my points earlier from days and weeks ago (on other occasions) when I said that even many other "Fascists" are also civnat cucks
Civnats are politically correct nationalists which is basically cancer
despite my spergouts I make good points
I know because I have experience with these faggots on other servers
Why are you not sleeping @ΕΘΝΙΚH ΑΝΤΙΣΤΑΣΗ
that dare even call themselves "Fascist" while knowing nothing about the worldview and denying race and the JQ
I only just woke up
Yea people are becomong more and more cucked, even when they follow "extreme" ideologies, for virtue points
I'm heading to Athens by train in an hour
well an hour and a half
I go for GD today
Read Power and Force
ppwer vs force
always work to be done
we're moving our headquarters from Mesogeion
Oh yea i heard that something happemed amd shit got closed down
Greek media somehow thinks GD is over because we closed down the Mesogeion offices lol
we're not going anywhere
our headquarters now are in Theodire Deligianis near Stathmos Larisis
I always go there anyways