Message from @Mankn II
Discord ID: 630898882313846794
>weed has no addictive properties
excuse me what
Don't get me wrong, I'd use weed if I didn't have to worry about parents btfoing me
but that's just a flat out lie
weed is way less addictive than other substances but its still addictive
If you aren't a retard, you won't get addicted but
that's a very big if
Weed doesn't have addictive properties
@Capitanul THe vast majorities of those "studies" are backed by people with interests in keeping weed illegal
There are studies supporting both side, its up to you to find out which are more valid
@Cвятогор @IliasSpook Weed does not have addictive properties, not like tobaccos does
it causes no physical addiction
only a mental one, but that can be cause by nearly everything
Cigarretes cause a physical addiction for example
people who stop smoking get itchy constantly
They didn't take sides in that study
And it's bad for brain development
Like alcohol
They did
"Heavy use of marijuana has been linked to low sperm counts and testicular germ cell cancers"
this isnt 100% proven
its just a theory and it shows no effect on most people
ok sure but Im saying that young children should smoke weed
Weed has positive aspects too btw
such as reducing stress and anxiety
reducing chronic pain
and some theories say that i helps with some forms of cancer
but further studies are needed in order to confirm that last point
@Capitanul My point is that out of alcohol, cigarretes and weed, weed is the least dangerous by far
They all seem like ways for the system to placate people
I have the answer to all of our issues
Alcohol and meth, yes
@Capitanul ways for the system to placate people that have existed for thousands of years
Weed has not been in the hands of Romanians for thousands of years