Message from @MadDimension
Discord ID: 331534119181877249
@Stormer DC plz expose him
They're preparing for a coordinated propaganda campaign against us
Good, let it come
Yeah but that's illegal
Sue them
We can dish out a thousand times more than they can
We originated on 8chan apparently
"The truth fears no investigation"
Fuck these filthy lying Kikes
I think There's a good chance Nathan will sue
He's built a great image and I doubt he's gonna take any bullshit
Remember that this NOT all alt-light. This is the Alt-Light Mafia: Posobiec/Loomer/Cernovich, et al
Just gonna sit around and wait for black lives matter to be officially labeled a hate group.....
They all go on the Night of the Long knives
(in an ironic self defense pranking situation of course)
They're classic jewish controlled opposition.
Text book definition of it.
The reason they fear us is that they know this event could be a major recruitment drive for us from current alt-light ranks
We are setting the pace here
The Jews are milking what's left of this empire and fleeing
That's why we don't want to flame people who are potential new recruits. We need to fight the Cernovich crowd for the hearts and minds
I don't like any of the alt light. They need to be pulled to the full truth
Yeah, Cernovich's followers will thirst for something more meaningful than reading his gorilla book and lining his pocket. We're the next logical step
We only want their chads
Dont flame the recruits, insult and mock their leafers
The rest are useless tbqh
Chads are degenerate pieces of shit
High confidence is good but chad stereotype is degenerate
We want young strong men, not sissy middle age pencil pushers
Chads are usually race mixing drunk morons
@HipToTheJQ reading is hard.
But no, neither VA or IE should be on any watch list.
I didn't quite understand that
Could you restate it in way so you sound more like a cunt for me?
@HipToTheJQ let it go