Message from @FrostyCrits

Discord ID: 642453257507307566

2019-11-08 19:53:15 UTC  

I will still vote for Trump over all the other Democratic candidates that's for sure but I don't want to be deceived either in the event that all this drama is just a distraction from what's really going on behind the scenes

2019-11-08 19:53:24 UTC  

this is what the world has always been

2019-11-08 19:54:45 UTC  

what's new is the reduced levels of ignorance on the matter

2019-11-08 19:55:19 UTC  

As Long As Trump and Q et al lead us to believe that they are fighting the Deep State, this will diffuse Patriots from rising up

2019-11-08 19:55:48 UTC  

I guess so. Takes this sort of media to bring it out I imagine. To all people: just remember when you're on here, just bec just because you're not face to face with a person doesnt mean it's okay to insult someone. People need to be more civil.

2019-11-08 19:55:52 UTC  

trump and q lead us to believe nothing

2019-11-08 19:56:01 UTC  

they put their money where their mouthes are

2019-11-08 19:56:21 UTC  

lol i assure you, i am not 1 iota less rudd irl

2019-11-08 19:57:09 UTC  

Let's look at Trump's actions. If you listened to him at the UN, you wouldn't be being LED to believe anything. You have a brain. You're not a sheep.

2019-11-08 19:57:43 UTC  

@janesylvaniausa if you look carefully at what I said I didn't accuse you of actually being a tranny but just said that you are probably one based upon how much resistance you're giving me at the idea that Trump may be married to one, again, I say maybe

2019-11-08 19:57:50 UTC  

actions vcan be EASILY misunderstood without context

2019-11-08 19:57:53 UTC  

look at RESULTS

2019-11-08 19:58:14 UTC  

melania a tranny?

2019-11-08 19:58:19 UTC  

are you high?

2019-11-08 19:59:00 UTC  

incidentally: one of you seems kinda familiar

2019-11-08 19:59:08 UTC  

and has been her under a different name

2019-11-08 19:59:23 UTC  

Probably? Sounds like an accusation. Davey Jones I'm too old too worry about your need to translate actions and results. To me in this context of Trumps actions or results its the same thing. Sorry.

2019-11-08 19:59:27 UTC  

@DaveyJones there are a number of pictures of Melania some even nude where you can see an adonis belt... women don't have that physical characteristic.

2019-11-08 19:59:43 UTC  

then you are an idiot @janesylvaniausa

2019-11-08 19:59:47 UTC  

question: if trump married a tranny as you suggest. how did Melania get born?

2019-11-08 19:59:52 UTC  


2019-11-08 20:00:08 UTC  

the fact tht she gave birth to several children isn't a hint?

2019-11-08 20:00:09 UTC  

Can we talk about something else? What was that tweet up there with all those HRC docs including tax returns

2019-11-08 20:00:54 UTC  

Hey ya but their daughter is Tiffany.

2019-11-08 20:01:04 UTC  

@DaveyJones haven't we've been led to believe that Meghan Markle gave birth to a child yet serial brain 2 claimed that she's a tranny. Don't be naive but check everything out

2019-11-08 20:01:12 UTC  

oops sorry. lol

2019-11-08 20:01:16 UTC  

markel is not a trannyt

2019-11-08 20:01:29 UTC  

just an ugly woman, but what are you gonna do when u got hitler's dna

2019-11-08 20:01:32 UTC  

Melania is his third wife, even tho she is young enough to his daughter lol

2019-11-08 20:01:46 UTC  

how did obama's kids get born

2019-11-08 20:01:59 UTC  

@DaveyJones tell that to serial brain2

2019-11-08 20:02:03 UTC  

Lol. And they have the same haircut

2019-11-08 20:02:06 UTC  

they didn't, they are abductees

2019-11-08 20:02:08 UTC  

obama's kids are "borrowed" i guess

2019-11-08 20:02:13 UTC  

answer - obama's kids aren't obama's kids

2019-11-08 20:02:19 UTC  

oh lol what a coincidence

2019-11-08 20:02:21 UTC  

@SirW00f Bingo exactly

2019-11-08 20:02:23 UTC  

clones from a lab obv 😂

2019-11-08 20:02:35 UTC  

🎵 here he comes to save the day 🎵

2019-11-08 20:03:01 UTC  

if ur doc takes a skin sample to give u a measles shot when u were a kid, u most likely got cloned

2019-11-08 20:03:14 UTC  
