Message from @Andrewi

Discord ID: 644210009454018570

2019-11-13 14:04:34 UTC  

the salks polio vaxx in case ur wondering

2019-11-13 14:05:53 UTC  

salks lost his nobel prize and got universally discredited in the research fields, also lost his job at wistar institute

2019-11-13 14:19:43 UTC  

I m no science man but if the lying fake news media and f**king Hollywood weirdos want to shovel these vaxxs into my throat so badly, I m gonna avoid it like plague as much as I can

2019-11-13 14:23:48 UTC  

the vaxx push is the plague agenda basically...they would 'create' a plague just to push their vaxx agenda

2019-11-13 14:24:38 UTC  

or a fake outbreak, like last time they photoshopped maseals on a stock image of baby

2019-11-13 14:28:22 UTC  

well it forced nyc to violate religion restrictions on vaxx to even give the 'drugs' to the non vaxx'd

2019-11-13 14:29:25 UTC  

few religions had blood removal and vaxx treatment as considered sacrilege

2019-11-13 14:30:09 UTC  

they considered it as 'stealing their soul' or 'poisoning their soul'

2019-11-13 14:30:33 UTC  

which i find odd considering it's not in their scriptures

2019-11-13 14:47:57 UTC  

It seems to me there is a reasonable religious exemption due to the multiple DNA strands used in vaccines, pig, monkey and aborted fetal DNA are all in vaccines as adjuvants along with other toxins to excite the immune system and promote "immunization". My plan is to ask the Dr. administering the forced vaccine, since I will always decline vaccination, if they know the ingredients of the vaccine and if they will provide the list to me so I can be sure to open the detox pathways needed to ensure health after the inoculation. If the Dr. cannot provide a list of ingredients, my response is to vociferously demand they not inoculate anyone until they know what they are injecting behind the immune system. Blessings friends

2019-11-13 15:35:28 UTC  

i seem to remember a dr who ep where the advanced new earth medical industry created 'sub humans' to expose to diseases to create vaxx and cures from

2019-11-13 15:36:18 UTC  

general note ...these nwo ppl consider all of us as 'sub human'

2019-11-13 15:36:55 UTC  

we're just animals to experiment on to create 'cures' for them

2019-11-13 15:47:03 UTC  

pig, moneky and fetus... anyone feels that its the satanists trying to maximize their "quota" ?
i mean when i think of it, it seems lots and lots of troubles they throw themselves into have non-pragmatic but religious motives behind it (aka, symbolism), which is sending max amount of souls to satan ?
one example is communism, which is designed to create 1. atheists, 2. dead people. 1+2 = express delivery to their lord
another example is that video of a rabbi bragging about them putting kidnapped and killed children's meat into McDonalds burgers. They go through this kind of trouble, just to trick people to "sin".
Utterly disgusting and pointless from my point of view, but many of their actions fall into this pattern

2019-11-13 15:49:28 UTC  

most likely more species not listed in the vaxx ingredients we haven't been informed of yet

2019-11-13 15:50:31 UTC  

well it's not so much to make them atheists, more likely as 'anti-christian god'

2019-11-13 16:01:08 UTC  

~~agreed, its common misconception that atheist = anti theist. It should be non-theist. But non-theist goes to hell too, correct ?~~

2019-11-13 16:02:14 UTC  

a 'godless' society is basically hell for the god fearing

2019-11-13 16:21:58 UTC

2019-11-13 16:36:44 UTC  

Legit, not satire. The real cover of the post

2019-11-13 16:44:44 UTC  

Thank you @SirW00f for posting the Q drop. My Q Alerts app couldn't retrieve the drop because Q posted it over TOR. This helps immensely

2019-11-13 16:45:00 UTC  

Can you also post the link to the YouTube video he shared?

2019-11-13 16:46:03 UTC  

You rock! Thank you!

2019-11-13 16:46:14 UTC  

ur lucky i'm here

2019-11-13 16:46:23 UTC  

Haha Q just made another drop too

2019-11-13 16:46:23 UTC  

i'm supposed to be afk

2019-11-13 16:46:29 UTC  


2019-11-13 16:47:01 UTC  

Well I'm glad you're not afk currently

2019-11-13 16:47:36 UTC  

Darn and I have to go to work ;-;

2019-11-13 16:48:22 UTC  

well i'll try to keep q-drops-public filled with any new drops for as long as i can

2019-11-13 18:00:28 UTC

2019-11-13 18:00:59 UTC  

NWO: Sweden is done, next please

2019-11-13 19:05:22 UTC  

your point?

2019-11-13 19:49:03 UTC  

Mine ? "I wonder what others think about this"

2019-11-13 20:09:30 UTC