Message from @DaveyJones

Discord ID: 644444457244164106

2019-11-14 07:45:08 UTC  

and if u don't know why it;s happening...

2019-11-14 07:45:27 UTC  

the original christian bible tells the flock not to form churches basically, which was stripped in later versions so they could form churches and exploit the flock

2019-11-14 07:46:49 UTC  

if we presume that there has always been a 'deep state'

2019-11-14 07:47:14 UTC  

everywhere is god's house, and the temple of god is within each of us, which is also why the non god worshipers wish to corrupt all of us from within

2019-11-14 07:47:27 UTC  

hold on

2019-11-14 07:47:43 UTC  

i am a non god worshipper, what are you accusing me of exactly?

2019-11-14 07:47:48 UTC  

deep state means many things ...not just gov's

2019-11-14 07:48:05 UTC  

point is if the DS today has so much invested in fake news

2019-11-14 07:48:06 UTC  

davey, i believe in god, not religion

2019-11-14 07:48:25 UTC  

how much has it invested over the millennia in the religions that have ruled us

2019-11-14 07:48:32 UTC  

and thus, how much of the bible can we really trust

2019-11-14 07:48:45 UTC  

you can believe all you want, i do not

2019-11-14 07:48:57 UTC  

but that doesn't mean i want to corrupt people

2019-11-14 07:49:15 UTC  

only the good points considering all religions lure in ppl with the good points before they convert them for the bad points of corruption

2019-11-14 07:50:27 UTC  

i didn't really have access to the 'bad' religions when i originally did my research...but i even found that the 'good' religions has darker tones that make some ppl think that all religions not their own was bad

2019-11-14 07:50:47 UTC  

my point is more about the holy books

2019-11-14 07:51:04 UTC  

the books are written by man

2019-11-14 07:51:05 UTC  

if the DS today invests so much in faking the news; controlling what we believe reality is

2019-11-14 07:51:14 UTC  

well it used to be the bible that told people what reality is

2019-11-14 07:51:46 UTC  

if the world had been tricked into worshiping a demon, would you be able to tell the difference?

2019-11-14 07:52:11 UTC  

if these 'satan worshipers' could trick humanity into worshiping satan, wouldn't they?

2019-11-14 07:52:13 UTC  

i got more insight over the decades from folklore and mythos than i got from a few religious bibles for various religions

2019-11-14 07:53:56 UTC  

uknow in brittain they did a psychological profile on god as per old testament

2019-11-14 07:54:39 UTC  

he came out worse then hannibal lector

2019-11-14 07:55:19 UTC  

from what i know of brittain's history from my perspective on religion...they kicked out the catholic church in favor of the orthodox christian church which eventually fueled the religious wars in europe

2019-11-14 07:56:00 UTC  

with catholic nations being the aggressor against britain and other nations in the alliance

2019-11-14 07:57:37 UTC  

when nations and cultures are in deep despair, the ppl turn to religion for support...many religions abused this and took advantage of the ppl

2019-11-14 07:58:24 UTC  

in's the same old story...just a different token of 'evil'

2019-11-14 07:59:37 UTC  

global push for unified religion sound familiar? it should...they've been doing it to us for centuries

2019-11-14 08:00:03 UTC  

catholic means universal

2019-11-14 08:00:28 UTC  

catholic is a mix of christain, muslim and jewish faiths

2019-11-14 08:00:29 UTC  

if everyone believes the same book, editing that book controls all of humanity

2019-11-14 08:00:40 UTC  

yeah but i mean that's what the word catholic is supposed to mean

2019-11-14 08:01:17 UTC  

i was raised catholic so when i researched other religions on the side while in the navy...i did find some interesting perspectives between the other religions and the catholic 'faith'

2019-11-14 08:02:39 UTC  

ever heard of the tale of the christian missionaries going to the far east to spread the word of christ to only find out in the end that those in the far east were living the christian way but just called it something different

2019-11-14 08:04:24 UTC  

no but i am not surprised in the least

2019-11-14 08:04:38 UTC  

nothing of christianity is original if you look around

2019-11-14 08:05:25 UTC  

the jesus story for example shows up all over the world throughout history, and i suspect it's actual origin to lie with the oral traditions of pre literate civilisations

2019-11-14 08:06:00 UTC  

compassion for others yet strength in urself is basically the christian way if u really look at it...the scriptures are not all they're cracked up to be since they've been translated badly over the centuries

2019-11-14 08:06:04 UTC  

that's why i can't accept the christian version of it, to me there must be something far deeper and more meaningful to it then any literal interpretation might suggest

2019-11-14 08:06:19 UTC  

funny thing: the christian way == the weed way