Message from @DaveyJones

Discord ID: 644451879169949696

2019-11-14 08:11:21 UTC  

i actually once came up with a scientifically viable model for astrology to be somewhat functional

2019-11-14 08:12:17 UTC  

based on infant imprinting n stuff

2019-11-14 08:14:57 UTC  

that too....everything gets divided from natural logicial law of morals and actions(they love division and separation to cause chaos and confusion)

2019-11-14 08:15:25 UTC  

ok it's 9:15 am here and i haven't slept yet lol

2019-11-14 08:15:42 UTC  

natural logical law of morals?

2019-11-14 08:15:51 UTC  

common sense

2019-11-14 08:16:09 UTC  

think logically and u can see it

2019-11-14 08:16:27 UTC  

that's what i am saying: i am somewhat impaired in that respect atm 😛

2019-11-14 08:16:49 UTC  

ive been smoking weed for like 20 hours straight

2019-11-14 08:17:12 UTC  

the great awakening is when ppl enmass see the illusions of distractions and confusion before them as they get more informed and awakened to the slumber they've been stuck in

2019-11-14 08:17:52 UTC  

u only need 1 joint every few hrs to see it....have some chocolate between each joint

2019-11-14 08:18:07 UTC  

i believe the culmanetion of that is a long hard look in the mirror

2019-11-14 08:19:08 UTC  

having one's paradigms shattered is no easy thing, and i can't imagine what it might be like to go through that as a society

2019-11-14 08:19:52 UTC  

the distractions of life problems and body aches and pains keep me from seeing the whole picture again like i did in my youth...but at least the hot chocolate helps me to clarify of the day to day discoveries hidden before us at a reasonable level

2019-11-14 08:20:14 UTC  

as for corrupting morals etc. i brought up hollywood earlier because i am seeing an agenda t destroy beloved franchises

2019-11-14 08:20:39 UTC  

my theory is that they want to destroy our self image and the pride people feel about these things

2019-11-14 08:20:49 UTC  

in order to make us more pliable consumers, like the chinese

2019-11-14 08:21:06 UTC  

is that what you mean?

2019-11-14 08:21:16 UTC  

the agenda is to exploit beloved franchises for their own ends

2019-11-14 08:21:29 UTC  

they are not exploiting them right now, they are destroying them

2019-11-14 08:21:41 UTC  

there's an obvious pattern to it

2019-11-14 08:22:01 UTC  

but when they're pushed by the forces of truth to ramp up those agendas it exposes the hollywood corruption

2019-11-14 08:22:09 UTC  

every sequal or whatever now starts with destroying/negating all the key points that made the franchise what it is

2019-11-14 08:22:34 UTC  

all the main heroes are made irrelevant

2019-11-14 08:23:24 UTC  

under the guise of diversity etc. but the result is the same for all these franchises; it renders all movies that came before it entirely moot

2019-11-14 08:24:54 UTC  

ever see 'soylent green'

2019-11-14 08:25:02 UTC  

that and they are all attacks on masculenity

2019-11-14 08:25:08 UTC  

yeah years ago

2019-11-14 08:25:12 UTC  


2019-11-14 08:25:15 UTC  


2019-11-14 08:25:42 UTC  

it revolves around the global communist gov system

2019-11-14 08:25:50 UTC  

i had an idea about the feminism shit

2019-11-14 08:26:02 UTC  

many truths in their agenda in that movie

2019-11-14 08:26:18 UTC  

i feel like there's 2 cults, one of them revolving around masculenity, the bohemian grove crowd

2019-11-14 08:26:30 UTC  

and one revolving around femininity, the HRC crowd

2019-11-14 08:26:38 UTC  

witches and warlocks

2019-11-14 08:26:41 UTC  

they both agree on the NWO

2019-11-14 08:26:56 UTC  

but they compete for who gets to decide what form it would take

2019-11-14 08:27:19 UTC  

and the presidency is the thing that decides it

2019-11-14 08:27:33 UTC  

both agree that theirs is the total power over the 'sheep' to use as they please

2019-11-14 08:28:18 UTC  

i once herd one of them talk that way irl