Message from @DaveyJones

Discord ID: 644455505695211531

2019-11-14 08:26:18 UTC  

i feel like there's 2 cults, one of them revolving around masculenity, the bohemian grove crowd

2019-11-14 08:26:30 UTC  

and one revolving around femininity, the HRC crowd

2019-11-14 08:26:38 UTC  

witches and warlocks

2019-11-14 08:26:41 UTC  

they both agree on the NWO

2019-11-14 08:26:56 UTC  

but they compete for who gets to decide what form it would take

2019-11-14 08:27:19 UTC  

and the presidency is the thing that decides it

2019-11-14 08:27:33 UTC  

both agree that theirs is the total power over the 'sheep' to use as they please

2019-11-14 08:28:18 UTC  

i once herd one of them talk that way irl

2019-11-14 08:28:49 UTC  

just walking down a shopping street, some guys in suits and one said to the other, sort of gigglingly, 'we are deep in the cattle right now'

2019-11-14 08:29:50 UTC  

he will never know how close he came to having an 'accident' right there and then...

2019-11-14 08:30:43 UTC  

capt america - the winter soldier

2019-11-14 08:32:17 UTC  

go further back in that storyline to 'capt america - the first avenger' ....hydra was declared a cult that even considered leadership of germany at the time as their enemy(ie- hitler)

2019-11-14 08:33:32 UTC  

one quote from the movie was from the hydra leader at the time was 'while hitler searches for trinkets in the desert, i search for science of the gods'

2019-11-14 08:34:11 UTC  

now think mirror

2019-11-14 08:34:13 UTC  


2019-11-14 08:34:59 UTC  

hitler arrested the free-masons operating in germany

2019-11-14 08:35:12 UTC  

and exposed all their secrets to his ppl

2019-11-14 08:35:24 UTC  

i still haven't seen any evidence of masonry being an evil organisation though

2019-11-14 08:35:45 UTC  

history is written by the victors

2019-11-14 08:35:57 UTC  

it's not about history

2019-11-14 08:36:05 UTC  

it's about what the thing is in it's own right

2019-11-14 08:36:28 UTC  

and masonry is, in it's own right, afaict (and i have looked), benign

2019-11-14 08:36:29 UTC  

i heard there was a wikileaks drop recently about the free-masons

2019-11-14 08:36:47 UTC  

well there's a problem right there

2019-11-14 08:36:53 UTC  

there is no 'the' masons

2019-11-14 08:37:22 UTC  

there's a couple of organizations and each loge operates pretty much autonomously

2019-11-14 08:37:55 UTC  

and from what i can tell any loge will reflect the surrounding landscape

2019-11-14 08:37:56 UTC  

several factions ....very few along the lines of george washington's lines of along the ds lines of 'truth'

2019-11-14 08:38:07 UTC  

IE: DC loge will be full of corrupt lobbyists etc

2019-11-14 08:38:50 UTC  

also Q has only ever implicated the shriners

2019-11-14 08:39:35 UTC  

too tired to get into it too deeply

2019-11-14 08:39:55 UTC  

but masonry revolves at it's core around harnessing the power of stories as you described earlier

2019-11-14 08:40:01 UTC  

the power of myth

2019-11-14 08:40:24 UTC  

one way of looking at it is to say that the ritual is in fact a very primitive attempt at virtual reality

2019-11-14 08:40:39 UTC  

a means of experiencing, participating in, a story, rather then passively observing one

2019-11-14 08:42:19 UTC  

hey when u got a free-masons temple across the street from ur city's courthouse...and it never evolved the's still original structure shape, all other buildings around it got turned into skyscrapers...u know something's up

2019-11-14 08:43:02 UTC  

that 'temple' has the same shape as buildings in dc

2019-11-14 08:43:03 UTC  

masonry is all about preserving the traditions

2019-11-14 08:43:31 UTC  

well masons and masonry was a big influence on the founders and that generation

2019-11-14 08:44:15 UTC  

it's all inspired by greece and egypt

2019-11-14 08:44:34 UTC  

and things like solomon's temple etc