Message from @lolyouwish
Discord ID: 344051384997380107
nice insults bro
sick burn
Nah I have an alarm on muh Jitterbug that reminds me
save some memory on your jitterbug for some classy pictures
Tbh you're a mamzer if you aren't hip to the JbQ
Have the people who want to be contacted made attempts to reach out to organizers so they would know that these people wanted to be contacted?
Serious question
I let my state chairman know that there is apparently an official security organizer group that didn't bother to tell anyone they are a thing and relayed your message that we shouldn't show up early.
Let's see how well this sending it up the chain thing works.
Good goy
better get your jitterbug
I wouldn't expect too much to be honest.
Now answer my question
I think the general consensus was if you are claiming to be official then you should have been more proactive in making sure everyone was on the same page.
Or will be anyway.
seems lke the organizers here should be in contact with the heads of all the orgnaizations involved
So no
@Vic_Mackey truly a dignified bowl right there
Especially since to my knowledge no information about official organizers was put out.
Yeah it's not like they knew kessler was organizing
Did people just put the speakers' names on the fliers without telling them what was going on?
@Vic_Mackey lol they even have a tiny bowlcut emoji
Not bad
@I'm Not Sam Hyde its not like kessler didn't know who he invited to speak
Did Kessler say anything to anyone about official security planners or organization?
It's facing the wrong way though
Maybe ask kessler lol
So you don't even know? Wonderful, I am feeling more confident about all this official stuff every minute.
terrible planning..terrible organizatoin
No I wouldn't know about kessler private interactions any more than you would
This should be an entertaining shit show if no one bothers to be on the same page or even make sure people are on the same page.
It sounds like the groups going have made more effots to organize with each other than the official organizers have made to organize with anyone.
@lolyouwish its all good they have 20 guys who claim to be heads of security here...they got this!
It's gonna be like Bluto winging it in Animal House