Message from @WhiteTrash
Discord ID: 327156729748127744
```That being said, if a chapter or an individual Proud Boy feels compelled to go, we encourage him to do so. Chapter autonomy is a big part of the group as well as personal liberty.
Free speech is for everyone. This event isn’t ours, which is why our name is not on the flyer, but we wish them nothing but the best.```
tune sure changed
OK I fixed it
These proudboys and oathcucks are fucking in for a harsh time the coming years. They're weak and easy to pick off.
And what they're doing right now is gonna get them just as much shit as the full 1488 nazis
Only without the air tight mannerbund and backbone to survive that shitstorm
Or ideological strength/faith
I'm speaking for myself here, obviously, but I welcome feedback.
I'm not a civic nationalist, that said, I don't know who else has read the Nordic Resistance Movement official English language treatise. They are uncompromising National Socialists. Even they speak to the (I'm paraphrasing) "need to, on an individual basis evaluate the status of of certain individuals based on their service to the nation."
We need fighters not just keyboard commandos. If certain Proud Boys fight and join us I'm capable of making exceptions. That said. They will have to understand under no uncertain terms, this is OUR country.
I agree with you @Skull They will still be called fascists and Nazis.
That itself will red pill many of the whites and they will be further pushed by those whom they thought were friends who cuck out.
I was talking to those proudboys outside of Jason's house. A couple of them had read Culture of Critique and were well aware of racial IQ differences.
They just hold on to this idea that culture can fill the IQ and genetic gap
Once they realize that browns produce brown culture and whites produce white culture and civilization, they will join us.
We need to be friendly with them. But like @Erika said, don't trust them. We shouldn't share private info with them or anything like that. Just don't disavow them and be friendly
i agree... they have stood by our side before
but they seem to be young and just looking to get into tustles and shit not really following a real ideology of anything
I don't know about that.
maybe they just need to be molded
They might be missing some ideology
Well some of the guys in Charlottesville seemed way more interested in drinking than having a tustle with the crowds.
well its kinda funny looking at that proud boy magazine site
But they are on their way to our side.
``` Now I understand all the anti-Jew clichés like they invented Marxism / Communism (true, but Ayn Rand was also Jewish), they run the media (if you don’t like it then don’t watch it) and they run all the banks (too lazy to refute that one). ```
like wtf
they know but don't care??
The ultimate line will be the JQ. At some point that has to be addressed. It cannot be avoided. However, I think at some point someone who agrees with us on everything but the JQ will eventually have that revealed by IRL events.
the impression i'm getting from this article is that the alt-right is too soft on muslims and too hard on jews.. very strange
almost like they're doing some sort of mental gymnastics to avoid dealing with the jews despite admitting what they do control and shit
also, i shouldn't judge all of them based on my little experience with them irl and some random columns they write
Idk I know more people down with the JQ but okay with everything else. Part of me gets the feeling from my interactions, it's much more an extra curricular activity/boys club than a serious set of ideals/lifestyle.
It's a Boys club, around beating up our enemies.
That's like, the best boys club ever. If they weren't cucked.
I try to drop at least 2 Guillaume Faye or amren quotes per day into the proudboys group comments. Gavin's post said about 20% of pbs would want to go to unite the right rally. I'm trying to get the number up to 100%.
Currently 20% is accurate though.
If I post about race too much, they will ban me.