Message from @Laucivol
Discord ID: 639718190099726336
you should have let him then he would have been celled
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> Changed roles for edik#6405, +Silence, -Xenos
Goodnight Pedo
little shit
Neener, neener. @John F Guilliman
Truth is, I was thinking the same thing.
How tf can you "discourge" me as a fascist, but then advicate for pedophilia?
what did he get celled for
its nat social hourse
Sorry, couldn't not. I am able, however, to profit well enough whilst keeping my integrity mostly uninfringed.
btw i got celled for spamming "pedophile go away"
but what did he get celled for
not sure 100%
Wait, did he decide to test that line, anyhow? Damn, I did warn 'im fairly.
some children don't learn the stove is hot until they touch it
See, that's one of those where the answer to that "Can you eat honor?" question is a *resounding* yes.
Give 'em enough rope to hang themselves with.
Doesn't mean you *want* them to, necessarily.. just that they're the one's given the choice.
consequences will never be the same
She's fucking dead dude
with a little luck
@Lucienne d'Anwyl Also, it was interesting your rebuttal about mental illnesses there. Truth is that almost all - and, frankly all that I am able to think of - homosexual folks who have even a shred of self awareness, state something like thus.
mmm well