Message from @Shai'tan

Discord ID: 636075540788281355

2019-10-22 04:50:42 UTC  

I can't post my fucking screenshot here

2019-10-22 04:50:47 UTC  

What the fuck, Sargoy.

2019-10-22 04:50:55 UTC  

city news is the buttjoke of production pros

2019-10-22 04:51:27 UTC  

Their pundits are absolute jokes.

2019-10-22 04:52:01 UTC  

Why the fuck do people care about diversity more than policies? That's the biggest question I have for Canada right now.

2019-10-22 04:52:22 UTC  

because they've been programmed that way

2019-10-22 04:52:28 UTC  

quite literally

2019-10-22 04:53:40 UTC  

Look at the NDP's crowd. Brown people.

2019-10-22 04:53:53 UTC  

And old white ladies with scraggly hair.

2019-10-22 05:34:22 UTC  

There's also a bunch of problem glasses people.

2019-10-22 05:34:46 UTC  

Funny though, how Trudeau started his speech a couple minutes after Scheer.

2019-10-22 05:34:53 UTC  

And all the media went for Trudeau.

2019-10-22 05:34:59 UTC  

What a dick move, I love it.

2019-10-22 05:35:18 UTC  

so. when do we burn down parliament again?

2019-10-22 05:35:44 UTC  

Depends if they try to force through that gun control stuff.

2019-10-22 05:35:51 UTC  

Because I can assure you.

2019-10-22 05:35:56 UTC  

1776 will commence again.

2019-10-22 05:35:57 UTC  

Just rmember Cannons are still legal

2019-10-22 05:36:51 UTC  

I don't know.

2019-10-22 05:37:02 UTC  

As much as I think Trudeau is a cuck and an ineffectual leader.

2019-10-22 05:37:06 UTC  

1812 overture intensifies

2019-10-22 05:37:12 UTC  

Scheer might as well have been a cardboard cutout.

2019-10-22 05:38:00 UTC  

I had high hopes during that last Conservative leadership event.

2019-10-22 05:38:06 UTC  

I liked Erin O'Toole.

2019-10-22 05:38:27 UTC  

im not saying the conservatives would be great. in any way shape or form. but i would rather they get a supermajority then even a liberal miority. but sadly. nobody is happy with this outcome

2019-10-22 05:38:29 UTC  

But it was between Mad Max the Moron and a sheer plastic wrap.

2019-10-22 05:40:04 UTC  

but, this is almost exactly as i called it. though the liberals got WAY to close for comfort to a majority again

2019-10-22 05:40:28 UTC  

I suspected it would be a LPC minority. Scheer has no leadership.

2019-10-22 05:40:39 UTC  

I just wish it had been by a narrower margin.

2019-10-22 05:41:06 UTC  

I also wish there were a more elegant, popular conservative alternative.

2019-10-22 05:41:30 UTC  

another issue is ontarians are seeing this as a protest vote against ford

2019-10-22 05:41:51 UTC  

I don't understand this "protesting Ford" bullshit.

2019-10-22 05:41:56 UTC  

It's the same thing with Trump.

2019-10-22 05:42:02 UTC  

You fuckers voted for him.

2019-10-22 05:42:03 UTC  

southern ontario went conservative. It's just toronto that went Liberal.

2019-10-22 05:42:06 UTC  

Or Brexit.

2019-10-22 05:42:10 UTC  

You voted for it.

2019-10-22 05:42:13 UTC  

Suck it up.

2019-10-22 05:42:23 UTC  

Instead of this voter's remorse bullshit they always do.

2019-10-22 05:42:50 UTC  

I agree, i think he is stupid. but its not why i did not vote for the Conservatives.

2019-10-22 05:43:06 UTC  

it also has nothing the fuck to do with the guy