Message from @Inquisition

Discord ID: 636367790391033876

2019-10-23 00:48:02 UTC  

but i bet we will hear again how racist we all are in 2 days

2019-10-23 00:48:13 UTC  

when justine or singh dont get what they want

2019-10-23 00:48:32 UTC  

Go talk to those folks in Yellow Knife. No racism? Ha?

2019-10-23 00:50:15 UTC  

If people genuinely wanted to seem like they are not racist, they should have voted conservative, or PPC. Trudeau's dad made a famous comment for not supporting First Nation peoples, and he's actively following in his footsteps, while for the most part First Nations are generally wasteful, ignorant people who have been mixed to extinction anyways, their land should be given more respect I feel than they have been treated by recent governments.

2019-10-23 00:50:44 UTC  

Like in some schools they still have uranium flowing through the water sometimes, that's been an issue for like 10 - 15 years.

2019-10-23 00:53:15 UTC  

I say we should be teaching the FNs to do things for themselves.

2019-10-23 00:53:47 UTC  

Send all those twats off of HGTV to the res and teach the FNs home building and plumbing and stuff.

2019-10-23 00:54:25 UTC  

Not sure about any uranium.

2019-10-23 00:54:50 UTC  

I love smoking, but I feel Indian reserves should not be a hotbed for illegal smokes. Either make them completely legal for buying/selling period, or start taking action. That's been a thing for over 40 years, it's a huge grey area, and it gets even bigger as tax on smokes goes up for some arbitrary reason.

2019-10-23 00:55:38 UTC  

But if I'm remembering thing correctly, there's one band outside Uclulet, BC. They absolutely wrecked their land. Shitting all over the place like animals (I don't remember if the septic system failed or what).

2019-10-23 00:55:55 UTC  

Is that still a thing, cigarette smuggling?

2019-10-23 00:56:15 UTC  

Yeah, it's huge. I know people that make runs three times a week, that's their job.

2019-10-23 00:56:46 UTC  

It's super easy, and if you get caught you get fined half the price of the smokes, which is less than what you bought them for in bulk from the Indians.

2019-10-23 00:56:52 UTC  

West coast or central, or what?

2019-10-23 00:56:56 UTC  

That's very interesting.

2019-10-23 00:57:00 UTC  

Central Ontario.

2019-10-23 00:57:14 UTC  

Too far to drive. 😬

2019-10-23 00:57:23 UTC  

(I don't smoke, lol)

2019-10-23 00:57:35 UTC  

But yeah, that's interesting.

2019-10-23 00:57:48 UTC  

It's such easy money if you want to sell, this dude goes in a camper, loads it up, sells them in a hub town.

2019-10-23 00:58:24 UTC  

I'm not sure how much cigarettes are, but if it's easy money, I'm not surprised that it's a widespread thing.

2019-10-23 00:59:27 UTC  

I remember when I was learning to drive, the guy who was teaching me was like, yeah, let's go through the res.

2019-10-23 00:59:40 UTC  

And there were a bunch of shit houses, and then the chief's very nice house.

2019-10-23 01:00:08 UTC  

Kids playing outside au naturel.

2019-10-23 01:00:34 UTC  

And then like two blocks away, people with BMWs and Mercedes and shit.

2019-10-23 01:00:46 UTC  

The contrast was staggering.

2019-10-23 01:01:03 UTC  

Meanwhile, the chief has a nice new pick-up.

2019-10-23 01:17:36 UTC  

bloc du quebecois is a party that always gains influence whenever quebec hates the fed
so basically, it's a good party
yeah i know french canada shouldn't exist and all that (frankly, they should separate), or "they shouldn't separate becaues fuck them we're keeping them here and they're gonna like it" [edited]
but BQ is an effective party
so western canada needs its own party
a specific focus on western issues sounds like it could explode very readily
gain a few seats in the next election at least
PPC has failed thus far - PPC could gain influence nation wide, but that is a very long game

2019-10-23 01:18:08 UTC  

didn't conservatives used to be separated into western and eastern conservatives?

2019-10-23 01:18:28 UTC  

that division is what caused a lot of liberal victories, so the conservatives had to form coalitions

2019-10-23 01:18:36 UTC  

however, that's why we have the PPC to focus on the long game

2019-10-23 01:19:15 UTC  

or the western block can try to convince others of it's importance, reflect it as a wider canadian right wing issue, and gain influence across the nation that way

2019-10-23 01:19:40 UTC  

if anything it might convince the CPC to reform themselves

2019-10-23 01:19:58 UTC  

landslide liberal victories are something i enjoy, if only because it's a lesson

2019-10-23 01:20:03 UTC  

thing is, canada has been very left wing for a long time

2019-10-23 01:20:29 UTC  

so it doens't matter if we divide the conservatives, so long as we can shift the canadian overton window back

2019-10-23 01:20:35 UTC  

or to the right rather

2019-10-23 01:21:15 UTC  

introducing a right wing version of canadian nationalism

2019-10-23 01:21:23 UTC  

that isn't simply 'love america'

2019-10-23 02:00:45 UTC  

Nobody expected PPC to get elected, I am a huge supporter/donator. What is surprising is the absolute disregard supporters had when voting, in favour of Conservative instead, opting to not split the vote.

2019-10-23 02:01:16 UTC  

That ultimately costed Bernier his seat, and that's depressing.