Message from @Joshu

Discord ID: 635809289101115392

2019-10-21 11:49:42 UTC  

ie, stop brexit

2019-10-21 11:50:38 UTC  

but parliament cant hold future parliaments anyway.... so thats pointless...

2019-10-21 11:51:15 UTC  

a GE tory flood... theyll just vote to repeal whatever extension and accept the deal

2019-10-21 11:53:33 UTC  

the remainers wont pass up the control they have over the house, control that they will likely lose if the question on their staying is put to the electorate. And they sure as can be wont be letting an election happen until after they replace bercow. Gotta get another remainer in the speakers chair before they lose their seats.

2019-10-21 11:54:59 UTC  

He is retiring before an election anyway

2019-10-21 11:55:05 UTC  

They've already got that

2019-10-21 11:55:19 UTC  

So his replacement will be voted on by the current crop of cunts.

2019-10-21 11:55:35 UTC  


2019-10-21 11:55:42 UTC  

pretty sure i said that

2019-10-21 11:55:42 UTC  

Either way

2019-10-21 11:55:46 UTC  

They will never let this go to an election as at this time they know they will lose if they did, Corbyn is very nervous that the lib dems will steal labour seats. Nah they are playing the long game keep bojo trapped and seemingly weak, extension after extension till the next election, then play the weak tories shakled to eu, we will give another referendum etc. They have the mass media on side so that narative will be easy to push for them...

2019-10-21 11:56:02 UTC  

They have no choice but to have him replaced before an election

2019-10-21 11:56:15 UTC  

Basically the last part of your statement was badly worded

2019-10-21 11:56:31 UTC  

As it implied there was the possibility for a GE before he retired and was replaced

2019-10-21 11:56:31 UTC  

yea its funny how recently the snp and labour have been taking shots at the lib dems, they are getting scared

2019-10-21 11:56:33 UTC  

There is not

2019-10-21 11:57:06 UTC  

Ive seen a llllooot of my old friends from up north, long time labourites are now defending boris and even though they are remainers theyre now using hashtag GetBrexitDone

2019-10-21 11:58:08 UTC  

the bbc interviewed my aunty up north 😛

2019-10-21 11:58:28 UTC  

Same @wacka only the extremely dogmatic ones are still holding on to their hopes to remain.

2019-10-21 11:58:38 UTC  

yea even if an exit does not happen on the 31st the remainers are boned except in hotspots like london

2019-10-21 11:59:07 UTC  

Would be interesting if people voted on the lines of the ref

2019-10-21 11:59:13 UTC  

For a pro and anti brexit party

2019-10-21 11:59:17 UTC  

But they wont

2019-10-21 11:59:45 UTC  

Since then over 60% of parl would have been in leaver parties.

2019-10-21 11:59:53 UTC  

it would be tories or lib dem

2019-10-21 12:00:07 UTC  

In my area you could pin a labour rossette to a dead rat and they flock in droves to vote for it.

2019-10-21 12:00:08 UTC  

labour ran on a manifesto to leave

2019-10-21 12:00:14 UTC  

and has flip flopped

2019-10-21 12:01:46 UTC  

An election will be interesting

2019-10-21 12:01:54 UTC  

But I highly doubt they will let one hapoen

2019-10-21 12:02:07 UTC  

Turkies don't vote for Christmas

2019-10-21 12:03:07 UTC  

now im hungry

2019-10-21 12:03:39 UTC  

If we have an extension I fully expect parl to refuse one.

2019-10-21 12:03:44 UTC  


2019-10-21 12:04:07 UTC  

I would fully expect them to ride it out until the end of the term

2019-10-21 12:04:25 UTC  

They couldn't care less what they are doing to the country

2019-10-21 12:04:32 UTC  

So long as their pockets are lined

2019-10-21 12:05:55 UTC  

my image of the current parliament is that of desperate people throwing thier bodies and careers on the tracks of a moving train in the hope that one of their bones or skulls will shift it off the tracks

2019-10-21 12:27:18 UTC  

hah.. noticed on the bbc the comments on the new deal vote story are all "vote down the deal" .. and if I try to vote down any of the rubbish... suddenly "We're having some problems rating this comment at the moment"

2019-10-21 12:35:01 UTC  

Yeah, I stopped using BBC when it started doing buzzfeed esq stories. You know things are bad when you use Sickipedia for your news XD. (Seriously though I use those websites with left+right news to compare them now...

2019-10-21 12:43:42 UTC  

All sides is good