Message from @Marushia Dark

Discord ID: 635242655139233837

2019-10-19 22:21:26 UTC  

Well I don’t see Christian going about with honor killings so that’s a plus

2019-10-19 22:21:38 UTC

2019-10-19 22:21:56 UTC  

except in the middle east it happens

2019-10-19 22:22:05 UTC  

but thats the middle east

2019-10-19 22:22:07 UTC  

Mark Zuckerberg Just DEFENDED Donald Trump?! Says Facebook Will Uphold FREE SPEECH, Ok Prove it Mark

2019-10-19 22:22:35 UTC  

@Snake At the moment, Christianity is fairly docile, but it wasn't even a generation ago that they were out in force, indoctrinating people to pray the gay away, warning that Harry Potter and Marylin Manson will lead you to hell.

2019-10-19 22:23:27 UTC  

I could see Christians in the Middle East or Africa doing that. Like in Nigeria Christians killed 130 Muslims, but to be fair that was retaliation for a attack the Muslims did to them which killed 13 Christians. The Christians were just more effective

2019-10-19 22:24:59 UTC  

Jewish mayor of Portland, Maine is flooding the city with more African migrants

2019-10-19 22:25:06 UTC  

I see the timeline has shifted again. Too bad this isn't one where Epstein was able to rat people out for a lesser sentence.

2019-10-19 22:25:18 UTC  

looking at modern society, the radical christians are largely ignored now

2019-10-19 22:25:25 UTC  

they arent an issue os long as they artent provoked

2019-10-19 22:25:29 UTC  

aka, forcing people to bake gay cakes

2019-10-19 22:25:37 UTC  

The thing to keep in mind about Islam is that it's 600 years younger than Christianity. I maintain that all ideologies have a bell curve lifespan of about 3000 years. Judaism began in 1500 BC and is all but a fringe. Islam today is what Christianity was in the Middle Ages: barbaric, superstitious, dogmatic, regressive, anti-science, even murderous and corrupt, until about the midpoint of its life in the Protestant Reformation. Since then, it's mellowed out a lot. Islam is nearing the point of its own Protestant Reformation and we're seeing it with people like Imam of Peace and Crown Prince Mohammad, trying to reform it

2019-10-19 22:26:01 UTC  

I’m 18 so maybe there is a disconnect with that since it’s not in recent memory for me, it’s not personal. But even then praying the gay away seems meh compared to the truck attacks, bombings, mass shootings, knife attacks and gang rapes today. Also 9/11, so my entire life it feels like we’ve been under threat from these guys, why would I want them to grow?

2019-10-19 22:26:06 UTC  

in the modern era, we have psychologists and technology and science to prove the literal minded christians to btfo

2019-10-19 22:26:41 UTC  

the only religions im concenred about is Islam and Envrionmentalits and SJWisms

2019-10-19 22:27:06 UTC  

one is barbaric, the other is misguided paganism, and the last is retardation pretending it isnt

2019-10-19 22:27:16 UTC  

Or want these people to have more power, influence and population in my country, America

2019-10-19 22:27:29 UTC  

the only threat from christians is if the freedom of religion is infringed on

2019-10-19 22:27:31 UTC  

I'm not saying it's comparable to acts of terror or throwing gays off buildings, but having lived through the Bush era, rational centrists and old school liberals feared the religious right the way they do the regressive left today.

2019-10-19 22:27:45 UTC  

and where are the religious right now?

2019-10-19 22:28:11 UTC  

anything about them can be ignored, they arent in substantial power to be critically threatening

2019-10-19 22:28:15 UTC  

Yeah I know, maybe it’s unfair of me to bring that up but I’m just explaining my point of view @Marushia Dark

2019-10-19 22:28:16 UTC  

we can easily ignore them

2019-10-19 22:28:22 UTC  

Paganism is hardly an issue. It's always been either decentralized, diffuse, or a minority. The last major pagan rule was arguably the Roman Empire

2019-10-19 22:28:44 UTC  

paganism reminds me of the 40k emperor

2019-10-19 22:29:07 UTC  

Scandinavian paganism has badass emblems

2019-10-19 22:29:11 UTC  

you can be pagans that worship the sun, they still act in accordance with how someone mighjt worship the emporer

2019-10-19 22:29:13 UTC  

so its chill

2019-10-19 22:29:24 UTC  

The cake wasn't about making the cake. The bakers refused to write what they wanted on it, saying they couldn't be forced to express that sentiment.

2019-10-19 22:30:06 UTC  

Still I think in the long run it’s better if civilization has a religion to keep it together

2019-10-19 22:30:11 UTC  

i think any of the title 9 laws or whatever it is that force people to accomodate people they dont like is stupid

2019-10-19 22:30:17 UTC  

especially now

2019-10-19 22:30:21 UTC  

I find it ironic, though, that pro-representation, pro-minority SJWs never lift a finger to help pagans like me, who genuinely have been a persecuted minority throughout history. Not a word in defense unless you're also Native American, and no push for better representation in pop culture. Not that I'm complaining. I'm taking up that cross myself but still ... hypocrisy is rampant and a contemptible trait.

2019-10-19 22:30:32 UTC  

if you reject black people from your service, prepare to be boycotted

2019-10-19 22:30:53 UTC  

Well are you European pagan?

2019-10-19 22:31:03 UTC  

I'm an astrotheologist

2019-10-19 22:31:32 UTC  

I've studied religions comparatively and find that the parts where they overlap tend to be true, with the rest being regional commentary or flavor

2019-10-19 22:31:48 UTC  

you worship planet space jesus

2019-10-19 22:31:55 UTC  

not really