Message from @Muten

Discord ID: 623814850644279297

2019-09-18 09:33:17 UTC  

Why are they cults?

2019-09-18 09:33:27 UTC  

Because they act human

2019-09-18 09:33:39 UTC  

having the shape of a human

2019-09-18 09:34:10 UTC  

They are made of generally the one initial genestealer being rhe head of it and various tiers of human/tyranid mostrosities being the working elements

2019-09-18 09:34:38 UTC  

Final stages of genestealer cults produce pure strain genestealers or something

2019-09-18 09:34:57 UTC  

So do you have armies of these cults?

2019-09-18 09:35:09 UTC  

Yeah a small one

2019-09-18 09:35:28 UTC

2019-09-18 09:35:30 UTC  

A kellermorph or two, a few vehicles

2019-09-18 09:35:37 UTC  

And general infantry

2019-09-18 09:35:41 UTC  

It shoots guns

2019-09-18 09:36:02 UTC  

BL3 can fuck off and die

2019-09-18 09:36:13 UTC  

I want to get the mining drill vehicle when my local shop stocks it

2019-09-18 09:36:25 UTC  

Why would ancient space aliens'd make a gun

2019-09-18 09:36:29 UTC  

that fires guns

2019-09-18 09:36:42 UTC  

Not gonna say who makes it because that’s a spoiler

2019-09-18 09:36:50 UTC  

Not the aliens though

2019-09-18 09:36:57 UTC  

@Muten They are cults because originally genestealers were a separate thing but then got retconned into tyranids but the cults stayed

2019-09-18 09:37:18 UTC  

Thanks for clarifying how they got tied into tyranids

2019-09-18 09:37:19 UTC  

Now I'm even more confused

2019-09-18 09:37:30 UTC  

This is why I never got deep into warhammer lore

2019-09-18 09:37:35 UTC  

it's just more questions

2019-09-18 09:37:37 UTC  

Its not that hard

2019-09-18 09:37:40 UTC  

I only ever played the first Borelands

2019-09-18 09:37:51 UTC  

Tyranids send out genestealers as scouts to prep invasions

2019-09-18 09:37:53 UTC  

I got this gun today

2019-09-18 09:38:11 UTC  

Did it get better? Did it stop making you want to slam your nuts into a car door and gouge your eyes out with a lego brick because at least that would be exciting?

2019-09-18 09:38:25 UTC  

They land planetside and start preparing the planet for invasion through the use of cult worship of tyranids

2019-09-18 09:38:54 UTC  

When time is right tyranid fleet appears and the cult springs and ambushes the planetary guard

2019-09-18 09:39:07 UTC  

Because all I remember is that I thanked god for picking the siren as she had a skill that made her move faster. And as approximately 80 % of the game was walking in some sort of brown trash pile, that was the best skill ingame.

2019-09-18 09:39:09 UTC  

My only big model is a spacemarine droppod

2019-09-18 09:39:11 UTC  


2019-09-18 09:39:20 UTC  


2019-09-18 09:39:31 UTC  

I kinda like buying vehicles and whatnot

2019-09-18 09:39:43 UTC  

Most look real nice, and they arent too hard to paint

2019-09-18 09:39:51 UTC  

I wanted to buy a Reaver Titan

2019-09-18 09:40:01 UTC  

but I did my driver's license instead

2019-09-18 09:40:06 UTC  

*life choices*

2019-09-18 09:40:12 UTC  

@Xaverius The second one is def the peak of the series, after that it went down a progressive rabbit hole, not that badly but the writing got fucking dull

2019-09-18 09:40:32 UTC  

Hey, at least there was writing

2019-09-18 09:40:50 UTC  

alot of people praise Jack as the peak best character but he is just cringe imo