Message from @Jeremy

Discord ID: 626038540983336971

2019-09-24 12:47:19 UTC  

From chaos come an internal order that arises from within, not without.

2019-09-24 12:47:21 UTC  

A stable chaos.

2019-09-24 12:47:30 UTC  

It's just like markets.

2019-09-24 12:47:43 UTC  

@ArmouredHeart Nope, actually entropy can't live without order, but it's difficult to explain it too.

2019-09-24 12:47:43 UTC  

@yordanyordanov Start with a solid understanding of entropy and enthalpy and work from there.

2019-09-24 12:48:03 UTC  

There's also Chaos Theory. Is that what you're referencing, ArmouredHeart?

2019-09-24 12:48:05 UTC  

I actually have a solid understanding of LIFE.

2019-09-24 12:48:10 UTC  

Works better man.

2019-09-24 12:48:14 UTC  


2019-09-24 12:48:44 UTC  

Entropy is just heat on the lam

2019-09-24 12:49:46 UTC  

But there is the problem when you speak to biologists and tell them life ain't just DNA and protein but a self-referential system working by exacerbating its possible variability states they think you a crazy raving bonkers.

2019-09-24 12:50:17 UTC  

I believe Chaos Theory is a bunch of bullshit actually @Jeremy

2019-09-24 12:50:40 UTC  

The true clue lies in counting possible variable states on different organizational scales.

2019-09-24 12:51:18 UTC  

For example a mouse can have far larger variability of **stable** states than a bactrium cause of the scale of its organization.

2019-09-24 12:52:00 UTC  

But when I go and tell actual real physicists well-versed in thermodynamics how I count micro vs. macrostates they laugh at me.

2019-09-24 12:52:06 UTC  

You don't have to make me realize what you're seeing, @yordanyordanov. I was just writing about this last night. You require the chaos in the freedom of self-organization for individuals to pursue self-interest and utility advantage, to determine where best their institutional participation lie, what values and norms to adopt, and all of these variances compete throughout society, and their controlled state is within a framework of law not allowing for their imposition of force, rendering secure the ability for the individual to rationally decide. You can see this as social evolution, natural selection throughout societies.

2019-09-24 12:52:22 UTC  

How shall I put it-I'm not very popular at the local university.

2019-09-24 12:53:19 UTC  

@Jeremy I think we talk the same, it's just that I prefer working with particles, rather than people, but, yeah, the laws are the same.

2019-09-24 12:53:25 UTC  

Because your university is likely filled with ideologues, seeking to champion some particular institution's set of norms and values, so forth.

2019-09-24 12:53:26 UTC  

Everywhere and on all scales.

2019-09-24 12:53:39 UTC  

To impose them upon others.

2019-09-24 12:53:47 UTC  

This is a problem we have in the U.S. as well.

2019-09-24 12:54:00 UTC  
2019-09-24 12:54:01 UTC  

@Jeremy No, because they were all members of the party in their youth and they haven't gotten far from that material dialectics.

2019-09-24 12:54:32 UTC  

It'll take some time before that dissipates.

2019-09-24 12:54:49 UTC  

Perhaps this may be the final generation.

2019-09-24 12:54:59 UTC  

I don't think so.

2019-09-24 12:55:06 UTC  

The younger are idiots, too.

2019-09-24 12:55:25 UTC  

See we here in our little post-communistic hellhole have this problem.

2019-09-24 12:55:48 UTC  

All the smarts emigrated West and when they did all that remained were idiots.

2019-09-24 12:55:57 UTC  

So one idiots teach other idiots.

2019-09-24 12:56:05 UTC  

Real spiral of destruction!

2019-09-24 12:56:06 UTC  

The brain-drain, as they say.

2019-09-24 12:56:09 UTC  


2019-09-24 12:56:15 UTC  


2019-09-24 12:56:49 UTC  

The only reason why I'm not West is because I couldn't handle the rules, and the stifling the modern EU had gotten into.

2019-09-24 12:57:03 UTC  

And, yes, I'm kind of a nationalist.

2019-09-24 12:57:27 UTC  

Fair enough.

2019-09-24 12:57:48 UTC  

@yordanyordanov You seem to be on the right track, but you really need to educate yourself on the actual math behind the systems you are claiming understanding of. If you feel brave, look into observed quantum interactions in the brain and dna.
If there is one constant in the universe, it is mathematics, and I promise you won't regret jumping in the deep end.

2019-09-24 12:58:05 UTC  

Here at least they don't persecute me for strange theories and I don't have to abide by anti-discrimination feminazy islamist policewoemen offended by everything.

2019-09-24 12:58:43 UTC  

@ArmouredHeart Problem is I still can't find the right mathematics to express myself.