Message from @Laucivol

Discord ID: 626626845302849536

2019-09-26 03:47:12 UTC  

Actually, and I'm loathe to admit it, we lived in a trailer park those years.

2019-09-26 03:47:14 UTC  

It was a priority for us 'cause our dialup was mooching off of my dad's work connection and we couldn't use it at the same time as his boss.

2019-09-26 03:47:18 UTC  

I had a PC since like, 93-94. I wanted a Sega CD, Dad wanted to splurge on a PC, so we bought Flight Sim 94 with a stick. lol

2019-09-26 03:47:26 UTC  

kek. this one is more a funny one from Russia

2019-09-26 03:47:27 UTC  


2019-09-26 03:47:34 UTC  

priority don't matter if you literally can't afford it

2019-09-26 03:47:35 UTC  


2019-09-26 03:48:01 UTC  

oh and that's to say nothing of the issue of tying up the landline

2019-09-26 03:48:08 UTC  

lol yea, dial up was only used in the evening for me too.

2019-09-26 03:48:21 UTC  

Had a PC, kept it decently on point.. and we did have a Sega CD, too.. but that was when my dad was working so we were in a pretty good place.

2019-09-26 03:48:25 UTC  

I've acctualy never had cable. and never will not enough people live here. on the plus side I get to rant about politics out loud with no fear of anyone other than the squirrels hearing.

2019-09-26 03:48:41 UTC  

And an SNES.. that was a pretty rocking Christmas.

2019-09-26 03:48:56 UTC  

atm I have cable *internet*, but not cable TV

2019-09-26 03:49:16 UTC  

I think after my dad bought my sister an Atari with the ET game, that was the end of consoles for our house till N64.

2019-09-26 03:49:37 UTC  

I amusingly use my steamcast more to stream sportspuck to the TV than I do to play games lol

2019-09-26 03:49:50 UTC  

Though we - mind you we were like 8 or so - got stuck & loved the first little area of the world map for Super Mario World. Man, good times.

2019-09-26 03:49:59 UTC  

The world was a simpler place, then.

2019-09-26 03:50:30 UTC  

I've got shitty sattilite internet. good thing I'm primed for low speed internet.

2019-09-26 03:50:36 UTC  

Yea, I have good member berries about riding my bike to friends and play mario at their place.

2019-09-26 03:51:06 UTC  

Well, we'd go downstairs (apartment) and play Mortal Kombat.

2019-09-26 03:51:22 UTC  

On their Sega Genesis.

2019-09-26 03:51:22 UTC  

Those bikes get me going

2019-09-26 03:51:28 UTC  

lol yes, MK OG was great.

2019-09-26 03:51:38 UTC  

Because we weren't allowed MK.

2019-09-26 03:51:57 UTC  


2019-09-26 03:52:05 UTC  

Eventually we convinced our mom to permit Street Fighter, though.

2019-09-26 03:52:31 UTC  

So we held tourneys up at our place.

2019-09-26 03:52:57 UTC  

People are saying Climate change is a thing.
Animals decaying, and makes CO2.

Well, Co2 gives plants food, to make oxygen.
>Animals decaying "Where does oil come from!"

2019-09-26 03:53:01 UTC  

Think for MK my fav was Sonya & for SF it was Dalysim (spelling)

2019-09-26 03:53:01 UTC  

My parents never really sheltered me from anything, if anything my older sister would watch horror movies all the time with me around.

2019-09-26 03:53:04 UTC  

my grandma had cable so I got a bit cartoon network. unfortunately I hated dbz for the longest time because I started watching during the absolute worst arc conceivably possible.

2019-09-26 03:53:41 UTC  

my parents tried keeping me off the simpsons but ultimatly it backfired when I got old enough to pretty much be my own man.

2019-09-26 03:53:42 UTC  

Yeah, they did have some clear barriers.. that we flaunted from time to time, as boys are wont to do.

2019-09-26 03:53:57 UTC  

lol the simpsons

2019-09-26 03:54:15 UTC  

dbz part 3million goku sneezes tune in next week to see freiza say bless you.

2019-09-26 03:54:19 UTC  

Did you grow up in a christian household?

2019-09-26 03:54:34 UTC  

Simpsons was on the list until we got to puberty, but that was mostly because my mom went kinda nuts as my dad fell infirm.

2019-09-26 03:54:43 UTC

2019-09-26 03:54:50 UTC  

lol damn

2019-09-26 03:54:53 UTC  

Eh, the Christian part didn't inform the morals of the matter.

2019-09-26 03:55:02 UTC  

my dad was anti simspons too, there was a small tv in the basement... therefore we practically lived in the basement to watch the simpsons. In the first few seasons there were some raunchy ideas true but as a kid had no idea what it was