Message from @ManAnimal

Discord ID: 624086946381168640

2019-09-19 03:35:36 UTC  

which turns to violence

2019-09-19 03:35:39 UTC  

re-assess education with boys, promote fathers and marriage, in the mean time let teachers open carry provided they pass mental examination screenings like they do to prevent pedophiles

2019-09-19 03:35:40 UTC  

fucking idiots

2019-09-19 03:35:55 UTC  

dont see the issue with any of that

2019-09-19 03:36:21 UTC  

that's the way men always did it though, Laucivoui

2019-09-19 03:36:27 UTC  

behind the scenes

2019-09-19 03:36:44 UTC  

Eh, it was easy enough to find a common thread - we were the actual outcasts, rejected even from things like the Chess club (well, I walked away from it, but.. that's a different story).

2019-09-19 03:36:56 UTC  


2019-09-19 03:37:08 UTC  

I was the only starting football player to play chess

2019-09-19 03:37:30 UTC  

we had a thing that was basically 4-square as i understand it, and if you lost, then all the players got to kick the ball at you once

2019-09-19 03:37:30 UTC  

I still cause havoc at school

2019-09-19 03:37:32 UTC  

that makes you ajockdweeb

2019-09-19 03:37:41 UTC  

that was fun as shit

2019-09-19 03:37:46 UTC  

was nice hovering between worlds

2019-09-19 03:38:00 UTC  

And focused the angst into a tabletop RPG that the Principles *hated*, it was glorious when we set up the official CCG club. XD

2019-09-19 03:38:08 UTC  

@Sweet, a more improved copy, with a broader context that illuminates the subject at hand:

2019-09-19 03:38:20 UTC  

I had so much fun at my first school shooting

2019-09-19 03:38:28 UTC  

Stacy didn’t stand a chance

2019-09-19 03:38:30 UTC  

we did this game called wall ball, get those small hard blue bouncing balls trow at walls if you miss it people get to pelt you with it, hurt like hell but we loved it lol

2019-09-19 03:38:39 UTC  

Our jockedness was in pretty much a Fight Club-style bit.

2019-09-19 03:38:42 UTC  

As i always said; i'll let the other person choose their weapon. Physical, emotional intellectual. But once they make that choice, i WILL beat them with it

2019-09-19 03:38:51 UTC  

Though not to the extreme, of course.

2019-09-19 03:39:18 UTC  

Ive never been shown that

2019-09-19 03:39:21 UTC  

I always tell people "swing first by all means, but then I'll be forced to beat you like a crying child in a department store"

2019-09-19 03:39:35 UTC  


2019-09-19 03:39:40 UTC  

i've said the same

2019-09-19 03:39:54 UTC  

never thought to search for the rest

2019-09-19 03:40:02 UTC  

I kinda had set myself up for that route when I rejected a whole bunch of societal expectations during a bit of.. shall we say.. unsanctioned penetration testing of my Jr High's network. >.>

2019-09-19 03:40:32 UTC  

damn nigga we really live in a society

2019-09-19 03:40:34 UTC  


2019-09-19 03:40:45 UTC  

brother once came at me with a pipe. i looked at him calmly and said,"THink you can kill me with the first shot? cause if you don't, i will take it from you and beat you until your organs fall out onto the pavement"

2019-09-19 03:40:49 UTC  

he put the pipe down

2019-09-19 03:41:09 UTC  

I get a little too giddy when things go south

2019-09-19 03:41:18 UTC  

We've faced the looming threat of retreat, turning against our values, over advancing forward and embracing our way of life before. This is a chapter of American history that seems to repeat itself with every generation, @Sweet.

2019-09-19 03:41:24 UTC  

yeah, intimitdation factor

2019-09-19 03:41:32 UTC  

Sorry jezza

2019-09-19 03:41:43 UTC  

My gf sprung suprise sex on me

2019-09-19 03:41:48 UTC  

Where were we

2019-09-19 03:41:56 UTC  

when i am twice his size and he starts talking shit i like to cackle like a mad man

2019-09-19 03:42:01 UTC  

Well, that was the lesson that my Father (a man who had survived Leavenworth, a black ops war, then the mean streets of Chicago for a *decade*).. don't throw the first punch, but be *damned* sure to throw the last one.

2019-09-19 03:42:14 UTC  
