Message from @KyonJ

Discord ID: 625899087199207424

2019-09-24 03:36:16 UTC  

im a good law abiding citizen that would be more likely to join the officers

2019-09-24 03:36:20 UTC  
2019-09-24 03:36:36 UTC

2019-09-24 03:36:42 UTC  

Our whole block has signed a treaty to stand our ground as a militia if the day comes.

2019-09-24 03:36:54 UTC  

Oh they have like this weird e-thing going despite the age gap being massive

2019-09-24 03:36:56 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:36:58 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:37:03 UTC  

what happened to ferris and weebz?

2019-09-24 03:37:10 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:37:20 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:37:22 UTC  

natural causes?

2019-09-24 03:37:36 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:37:44 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:38:00 UTC  

all the older hoplites got clintoned too

2019-09-24 03:38:04 UTC  

discord is gay change my mind

2019-09-24 03:38:05 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:38:24 UTC  

all the good people gone due to all the fucks like pep and pow

2019-09-24 03:38:38 UTC  

not that you remainers are not good

2019-09-24 03:38:42 UTC  

you know what i mean

2019-09-24 03:39:08 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:39:31 UTC  

Dont worry, Pep and Pow will have their day, Every Commie does.

2019-09-24 03:39:35 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:39:41 UTC  

we used to have some good convos

2019-09-24 03:40:11 UTC  

now its seems to be just infantile screching

2019-09-24 03:40:54 UTC  

Isn't the VC good or nah?

2019-09-24 03:40:55 UTC  

I still see the British government as illegitimate until hard Brexit happens.

2019-09-24 03:41:20 UTC  

Therefore a bloody revolution is fair game.

2019-09-24 03:41:24 UTC  

brexit black pill

2019-09-24 03:41:40 UTC  

illusion of democracy

2019-09-24 03:41:41 UTC  

am chilling waiting for said bloody revolution

2019-09-24 03:41:45 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:41:54 UTC  

Cucks cant stand blood

2019-09-24 03:42:01 UTC  

rape invaders

2019-09-24 03:42:03 UTC  

British are cucked

2019-09-24 03:42:11 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:42:25 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:42:27 UTC  

prince andrew

2019-09-24 03:42:29 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:42:47 UTC  

Brits dont have the balls to revolt

2019-09-24 03:42:48 UTC  


2019-09-24 03:42:51 UTC  
