Message from @yearspastmatter

Discord ID: 626214409974317077

2019-09-25 00:26:33 UTC  

My stepfather escaped the Islamic world of South America, Guyana to be precise. He's as American as they come, just as much as my jarhead father was.

2019-09-25 00:26:59 UTC  

@yearspastmatter, it's not uncommon.

2019-09-25 00:27:37 UTC  

whereas another friend moved from Colombia, just became a US citizen a couple years ago, and is a hardcore communist despite having a master's degree in economics

2019-09-25 00:28:07 UTC  

What the fuck

2019-09-25 00:28:08 UTC  

This shouldn't be allowed, in my opinion.

2019-09-25 00:28:17 UTC  

Reading basic economics didn't save him

2019-09-25 00:28:29 UTC  

I doubt he read Basic Economics

2019-09-25 00:28:46 UTC  

Ones political beliefs should be a disqualifier for entry.

2019-09-25 00:29:17 UTC  

He circulates SJW bullshit on Facebook all the time, too

2019-09-25 00:29:22 UTC  

woke anti-white stuff

2019-09-25 00:30:08 UTC  

Ideology that is antithetical to the free state should be a disqualifier

2019-09-25 00:30:17 UTC  

Goodnyaght everynyan! Having a horde of horse riding warriors just sounds cool

2019-09-25 00:30:35 UTC  

Funny how people like Sargon at a time made the impression of "the people don't matter the ideas matter." When its rather obvious the people who occupy a society are the ones whether they choose to uphold those ideas and values in themselves. And from what I hear alot of people from other places tend to look a bit differently at our values and often reject them for the place they came from.

2019-09-25 00:30:41 UTC  

But, as with Milton Friedman, Hayek, Thomas Sowell, Ronald Reagan, they all inevitably became staunch capitalists and champions of American conservatism.

2019-09-25 00:30:46 UTC  

Which just makes me want to think why are we obligated to take them?

2019-09-25 00:30:55 UTC  

and why did they even leave?

2019-09-25 00:31:32 UTC  

All ideology, then, @Samaritan™. 😄

2019-09-25 00:31:54 UTC  

Goodnight @Danacrag

2019-09-25 00:31:59 UTC  

I couldn't find a better way to word that I'm afraid

2019-09-25 00:32:08 UTC  

How does this happen, after pursuing a degree in economics, @yearspastmatter?

2019-09-25 00:32:29 UTC  

well he might have had woke professors who only assigned leftist reading material

2019-09-25 00:32:31 UTC  

I don't know

2019-09-25 00:32:34 UTC

2019-09-25 00:33:02 UTC  

Its not like there isn't such thing as a """marxist economist""" despite how antithetical those terms might be

2019-09-25 00:33:12 UTC  


2019-09-25 00:33:52 UTC  

communists funny enough seem to always leave out the human factor...

2019-09-25 00:34:24 UTC  

Yeah I've gotta go

2019-09-25 00:34:29 UTC  

"whoa whats this an opportunist amongst our ranks has killed all the ideologically pure among us and siezed power for himself?"

2019-09-25 00:36:35 UTC  

I studied Marxist doctrine throughout my educational endeavors, and it inevitably led to my solidification as a proponent of self-organization, henceforth economic and social freedom. If you understand their values, their dogmas, the irony is they're best served under the natural disposition of capitalism.

2019-09-25 00:37:11 UTC  

Marxist Economics is kina like Army Intelligence - it's an oxymoron

2019-09-25 00:37:30 UTC  

It's not a form of economic discipline, however.

2019-09-25 00:37:40 UTC  

It's merely criticism and conjecture.

2019-09-25 00:39:14 UTC  

Criticism and conjecture preying on and cultivating the envy of the audience, while simultaneously exploiting a knowledge-gap.

2019-09-25 00:39:50 UTC  

"Religion is the opiate of the masses"
T. Preacher

2019-09-25 00:39:51 UTC  

You can say some have good intentions, are fundamentally motived by altruism, but the prevailing force is always that of envy.

2019-09-25 00:40:04 UTC

2019-09-25 00:40:05 UTC  

france stronk

2019-09-25 00:41:04 UTC  

Communism is literally the blob off the horror movie. It takes something complex like the human body, or in the case of this ideology, human society, and boils it down into soup. It’s against nation states, tradition, families, religion.

2019-09-25 00:41:05 UTC  

Take it easy, @Samaritan™.

2019-09-25 00:41:11 UTC  

"Imperch Troomp!

2019-09-25 00:41:15 UTC