Message from @UnfilteredGarbage

Discord ID: 626562241642364957

2019-09-25 23:28:52 UTC  

Stealing that one

2019-09-25 23:28:56 UTC  

seems your assesment is incorrect

2019-09-25 23:29:07 UTC  

@Andrew Popa 2.0 how did you get this picture of me

2019-09-25 23:29:31 UTC  

I love Bang

2019-09-25 23:29:36 UTC  

My family is addicted to it

2019-09-25 23:29:40 UTC  


2019-09-25 23:29:45 UTC  

Zoomers indeed

2019-09-25 23:29:47 UTC  

Gotta go take a big sheet peace

2019-09-25 23:31:19 UTC  

oh, how doomed the zoomers are going to be without the Left

2019-09-25 23:31:22 UTC  


2019-09-25 23:32:21 UTC  

Real Zoomers like Greta know that the world's going to end next thursday unless everyone collectively shits their pants together so they're not worried

2019-09-25 23:32:41 UTC  


2019-09-25 23:33:04 UTC  

I'm fresh out of craps to give, so I'll pass

2019-09-25 23:33:41 UTC  

Remember guys, we need to hand global political control to a 16 yearold highschool dropout with Asperger's

2019-09-25 23:33:50 UTC  

This is PEAK clown world

2019-09-25 23:34:03 UTC  

You won't have much choice.

2019-09-25 23:34:09 UTC  

They're getting scared and desperate

2019-09-25 23:34:12 UTC  

Something's coming.

2019-09-25 23:34:25 UTC  

They aren't bothering with being slow, deliberate, and subtle

2019-09-25 23:34:29 UTC  

They want power and death

2019-09-25 23:34:39 UTC  

When Greta declares genocide against third worlders to save our planet, then we can talk

2019-09-25 23:35:05 UTC  

The Left will continure to become more and more out of control. Any force that is capable of containing the Left will NOT tolerate the current intelligentia telling them what is 'correct'

2019-09-25 23:35:10 UTC  


2019-09-25 23:36:07 UTC  

Point is, everyone here won't be protected by "mommy's rules" once daddy finally gets fed up and starts kicking ass.

2019-09-25 23:36:22 UTC  

Someone should make one of those Alex Jones Doom videos, but with Greta Thurnberg clips

2019-09-25 23:36:27 UTC  

Maybe Destroy All Humans!

2019-09-25 23:36:36 UTC  

And the Zoomers are a generation raised by women

2019-09-25 23:36:38 UTC  

Not men

2019-09-25 23:36:45 UTC  

This is true

2019-09-25 23:37:34 UTC  

But (some) of the Zoomers are turning hyper-conservative as a response to being raised in a boiling pot of cultural stagnation

2019-09-25 23:38:02 UTC  

Mainly they're just rebelling against the cultural norms imposed by the current leftist zeitgeist

2019-09-25 23:38:19 UTC  

Some are just cucked beyond repair though

2019-09-25 23:38:47 UTC  

Evening, I hate women

2019-09-25 23:39:56 UTC  

I, too, am an epic gamer

2019-09-25 23:42:01 UTC  

Reminds me of that KKK meme

2019-09-25 23:42:15 UTC  

Hey everyone! I sure do hate niggers

2019-09-25 23:44:44 UTC  

I loooove murder!

2019-09-25 23:44:51 UTC

2019-09-25 23:46:56 UTC  

5 o'clock yet?