Message from @Marahute

Discord ID: 622508501109047297

2019-09-14 17:53:48 UTC  

Not really

2019-09-14 17:54:03 UTC  

its pretty mild compared to Danks discord.

2019-09-14 18:05:50 UTC  

I’m glad this discord is a thing again though. I’ve been in the abandoned channels of the past over the years. This one is the first really well thought out and properly set up one that Sargon has originated though. High hopes once my paperwork goes through XD

2019-09-14 18:07:35 UTC  

In my expereince, most of that comes down to a set of boundaries/rules and a moderation style that is't too disruptive to the community (while still keeping it safe and pleasent to be in).

2019-09-14 18:08:24 UTC  

Anything questionable or hazy with either and you get a lot of users taking advantage and being dicks.

2019-09-14 18:10:12 UTC  

nar, its all about that free speech... unless your a filthy commie then you get a free heli ride.

2019-09-14 18:11:09 UTC  

if you know what i mean, lol

2019-09-14 18:11:49 UTC  

Can I even write?

2019-09-14 18:11:54 UTC  

Oh I can.

2019-09-14 18:22:21 UTC  

"Free speech" has its limits everywhere though. Especially in places where people can show you the door if they don't care for what you have to say. Sadly, respecting that choice and finding a place that suits your own needs is an adult characteristic not everyone has.

2019-09-14 18:51:15 UTC  

@Marahute what about when the places that suit your needs are being shut down?

2019-09-14 18:52:07 UTC  

When that happened to me, by whatever cause, I just went on and found a new place to settle.

2019-09-14 18:52:43 UTC  

That is, if there's the option, after fighting to keep a server going swimmingly.

2019-09-14 18:53:05 UTC  

Occasionally meaning I took over. >.>

2019-09-14 19:00:10 UTC  

Hey all!

2019-09-14 19:01:26 UTC  

Hello from Texas!

2019-09-14 19:01:40 UTC  


2019-09-14 19:05:25 UTC  

@Marahute there is no limit to free speech so long as your not calling for action against another person.

2019-09-14 19:06:15 UTC  

Violence is never the answer, unless the question is convert to Islam or die.. then.. maybe..

2019-09-14 19:06:20 UTC  

Your free to say what you like so long as you don't break discords tos of course.

2019-09-14 19:06:32 UTC  

On this server or in general? Because both have set limitations.

2019-09-14 19:06:45 UTC  

Check <#463041536003932170>

2019-09-14 19:07:51 UTC  

Beto’s a bitch, he’s a big ol’ bitch, he’s the biggest bitch in the whole wide world, he’s a furry bitch, he’s a scrawny bitch, he’s a stupid big big biiiiiiiitch

2019-09-14 19:07:55 UTC  


2019-09-14 19:08:29 UTC  

free speech should be everywhere though we have filthy communist who think there is a limit to free speech or say that what you say is "hate speech" a vague way of saying you don't like what the other person says and he should be silenced.

2019-09-14 19:10:18 UTC  

Commies are literally brain dead. They wouldn't realize they were wrong even if you beat them over the head with a history book opened to 1942 over and over again.

2019-09-14 19:10:46 UTC  

Beto needs to be taught the age old lesson that there is no arguing with the barrel of a gun

2019-09-14 19:11:07 UTC  

communism is basically feudalism with a terribly optimised economy

2019-09-14 19:11:22 UTC  

no idea what the big fad is about it tbh

2019-09-14 19:11:25 UTC  

Dancing the edge of 'calls to violence' there, seven. I agree though.. mostly.

2019-09-14 19:11:27 UTC  

communism = doesn't know basic economics.

2019-09-14 19:12:42 UTC  

or human greed either

2019-09-14 19:12:59 UTC  

Y'all catch Biden call out Bernie and Feuxcahantas "They didn't answer the question!" The other night? The dem(on) debate highlights were priceless.

2019-09-14 19:13:21 UTC  

lol, yea it's like that type of person who knows loads of big words that could be used to describe something highly detailed and complex and yet they fail to argue the most basic principles they supposedly believe in.

2019-09-14 19:13:33 UTC  

actually, 'believe in' is exactly the right phrase.

2019-09-14 19:14:25 UTC  

and I know why as well, it's because they have bad first principles and no basics. you get similar events when someone tries to learn chess from the most complex concepts without learning the basics.

2019-09-14 19:14:34 UTC  

you get a terrible chess player who doesn't have a clue how to play it

2019-09-14 19:15:17 UTC  

I didn't Excel

2019-09-14 19:15:21 UTC  

I think Amy Klobuchar is so underrated by Dems, she’s a moderate who could kick trumps ass in a debate, verbally of course. It’s like their sending the easiest lambs to the slaughter

2019-09-14 19:15:30 UTC  

Like Beto and Kamala or Warren

2019-09-14 19:15:34 UTC  

Or an MMORPG player who buys a high level character and doesn't take the time to play one up from level 1.. they suck.. they don't realize they suck.. then they get wrecked.