Message from @Little Boots
Discord ID: 598883891821936666
@DasPuppies leuki what? stop speaking german you fucking nazi
Ah these aren’t posting right
Delete that.
You know 97% of interracial porn is produced by one jewish company?
We don't want this server gone.
One fucking phone call.
And we're all black bagged.
You - maybe. Me - not.
What power do you have to defy the Bogdanoffs?
Just look at the comments.
@Little Boots this is fucking great
tfw soviets traded pepsi cans for a fucking warship fleet
It will never be the future.
based youtube commenter
@Little Boots bruh this ad is fucking boolin
saiuz nerushimi music stops
turn on closed captions
thats literally the lyrics though
its an anti drug song!
drugs arent cool kids
gun control retards are like the fucking american drug war
because that totally stopped people from doing it
and worked really well
War on другs