Message from @Little Boots
Discord ID: 599006105300893706
I played like 1 sonic game as a kid and watched like 3 episodes of the animated show or some shit
He's not wrong.
so.. Everyone else @Samaritan ?
I guess
You know, I wonder when the hitler meme will die
That is the full version
There is no full version
Is there
I found the full.
Knew it
Dew it
This is me every single time I play as Germany in HOI IV.
I can't play hoi iv because I need at least enough people who are as semi trash as me to play all the majors
ideology memes are eternal
Seems t' be that way from our position in history
You fought all your life against capitalism, but it's making money on your image. (c) can't remember who
@Little Boots Nice
hitler memes will never die
sides he was a meme master himself
It'll die when modern history is ancient history
Kind of like Stalin memes.
But better.
I live and work in Germany, and at the risk of peril I will propagate hitler memes
stalin isnt as much of a meme master
he is more like a discord mod
isnt that like
literally illegal
in germany
Delet all of this