Message from @ebinmemes22
Discord ID: 599019874890547210
@PureEvilPie EU IV is literally unplayable without DLCs.
If the battles were interesting
It’d be better
And that’s the case with all paradox games though
But I click on ships mid game when I have Railgun IVs and they are using lvl Is still even though they have unlocked equal to me
Its retarded
Also midgame is good with lots of players because its just autistic wars and diplomacy lol
At least Stellaris is playable without DLCs.
Barely playable with DLC
>install Psionics.wav
>your brain masters say ***"the predators have chased us from galaxy to galaxy for millenia, none are safe from their wrath"***
oh wow
i play on commodore
They're prioritizin not upgrading ships for building better ones.
Yes, we get it, you’re retarded @PureEvilPie
At least Stellaris doesn't have $200 + of DLC when all the DLC is fucking 75% off
Suck me
i will suck you only if ur a trap
I’ll put on a wig
with their infinite DLC
ack ack motherfucker
Always knew you where gay
paradox dlc when on sale for 75% uniformly
Mordhau is the real epic game nowadays
would be less than 50$
Mordhau is awesome
yeah this is true
Is mordhau good?
Such a great game
It looks like a lot of fun
Yea it’s brilliant
pdox goes on sale like atleast twice a year
Mordhau didn't really catch my attention.