Message from @Andrew Popa 2.0
Discord ID: 599654766204682283
@Black Mage wot mate
only real 90s kids will get that reference
🇭🇰 🇬🇧
>malcom x
Colonialism is back baba
flag's own right if the prestigious position @Flavius Stilicho
Also Malcolm X: "Ouch, I was shot by the Nation of Islam!"
Would Hong Kong even want to go back to Britain after they cucked them for brownie points?
🇭🇰 🇬🇧 means hong kong is greater than britan
Didn’t he change at later in life
<:bababooey:595709870116831317> ❤ <:nig:357983676262252546>
which i guess it might be true
jesus kris
"In New York City, Malcolm X, an African American nationalist and religious leader, is assassinated by rival Black Muslims while addressing his Organization of Afro-American Unity at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights"
i even reacted on his post to have you join in but you didnt <a:5_REE:394080771838574592>
When are we going to address the Black Muslim question, bros?
We need to put chemicals in the water to turn the africans gay.
No no it's like when you multiply a negative
They'll turn straight and AIDS will be cured
I think that's how it works
we did it boys
we stopped aids
its the turbo sargonist again
If they are all gay they will stone each other.
welcome back
its the turbo autist again
also it's*
ad hominem
Dude you literally started off with one
which one?