Message from @Diffused Solvent
Discord ID: 600584786976833536
cant tell if @Diffused Solvent is shitposting or having a mental breakdown
we gonna go out later and see if we can get some hugs and some souls
feels either drunk or doped
dont touch me
I have my 👁 on you
i will do the mental analysis of you mofo , not other way round
are you sure about that
I suspect too much touching of himself
is alienated fuzzy
im gonna report him to ICE
i can confirm that I am myself
I am not this furry
that you call fuzzy
i will refuse facial identification because fuck you my pfp is enough
okay **dog**
err life plus 419?
at what point would you say the problem with lootboxes stop from companies and start being due to people being stupid
Isn't life + 419 a bit excessive, even for murder?
so say the gamblers
we suffer so much extra racism now
male black dog
everyone thinks we doing crime
419 years? Where they pull that out of?
extra super duper super racism™+++ v2.0 electric castle buckaroo, the returning of qveen
he probably got 419 years for all the battery charges
You know I thought the American criminal justice system was bad
or assault with a deadly weapon
and i am a cool cat i wear a beanie
But this guy?
since he hit so many people
so i look like a crim
Even so