Message from @Andrew Popa 2.0
Discord ID: 601144081841913867
Fuck off
I will stab you
I identify as who cares
A dog’s purpose, eh?
That was a nice family flick
back in 5 minutes pumpkins boys going to buy a pot noodle and contemplate life
real shappiro hours today huh
Have a good one
<:why:462286147473637407> <:pepegun:588019479401726001>
bitch got the melons, hit it from the back like a felon, don't know if she underage, but she aint telling
haha benis :DDDDD
How Does radiation make sound
WOW kid you just got r/WOOOOOOSHED!!!! joyjoy
"Wooosh" means you didn't get the joke, as in the sound made when the joke "woooshes" over your head. I bet you're too stupid to get it, IDIOT!! triumphtriumphjoy
My joke was so thoughtfully crafted and took me a total of 3 minutes, you SHOULD be laughing. 🤬 What's that? My joke is bad? I think that's just because you failed. I outsmarted you, nitwit.🤭
In conclusion, I am posting this to the community known as "R/Wooooosh" to claim my internet points in your embarrassment smirk. Imbecile. The Hungarians refer to this action as "Káröröm," which means "harm-joy" grimacingastonished. WOW! 🤪 Another reference I had to explain to you. face_palm♂️🤭 I am going to cease this conversation for I do not converse with simple minded persons.smirkjoy
Only geiger counters do
@Margrave PeaveGiver 'The Calm' literally bro, watch chernobyl and play rust my negro boy
I'm a fascist and I don't like ben, ask me why <:sarGOY:462286263622303754>
Radiation Does not fucking make noise
You retard
Lol what