Message from @ManAnimal

Discord ID: 605946568247476243

2019-07-31 02:12:42 UTC  

My point is the UN is retarded and should be treated as such.

2019-07-31 02:12:42 UTC  

I mean

2019-07-31 02:12:42 UTC  


2019-07-31 02:12:54 UTC  

They fucking reuse the Saboath boss as this Doom Hunter thing

2019-07-31 02:12:59 UTC  

Well, UN is kinda nesserary

2019-07-31 02:13:03 UTC  

no talking = wars

2019-07-31 02:13:20 UTC  

just we dont have any tension right now

2019-07-31 02:13:29 UTC  

Why do you need the UN for diplomacy?

2019-07-31 02:13:37 UTC  

and when there is no threat, they get all self righteous

2019-07-31 02:13:42 UTC  

The UN and EU have no value there'd be no war either way because its about the Nukes

2019-07-31 02:13:49 UTC  

I like that Id is pulling and making good things from DooM 3

2019-07-31 02:13:57 UTC  

Hence why the proto UN didn't stop WW2

2019-07-31 02:14:04 UTC  

Cause we can't afford no mediation situations

2019-07-31 02:14:10 UTC  

Im not sure if they could implrement Vulgars without it just being reskinned imps

2019-07-31 02:14:11 UTC  

nukes remember

2019-07-31 02:14:44 UTC  

League of Nations wasn't the same

2019-07-31 02:14:57 UTC  

It was meant to mediate and it didn't do shit

2019-07-31 02:15:03 UTC I hope these bad bois return

2019-07-31 02:15:14 UTC  

Huge cock arms

2019-07-31 02:15:19 UTC  

The only entity that can legitimately declare when it is ok for one country to violate the soverenty of another is a GROUP of countries

2019-07-31 02:15:22 UTC  

this is a vulgar

2019-07-31 02:15:40 UTC  

UN is like US Gov

2019-07-31 02:15:43 UTC  

Good on paper

2019-07-31 02:15:48 UTC  

Lousy in practice

2019-07-31 02:16:03 UTC  

because the imps in NuDooM move like vulgars

2019-07-31 02:16:03 UTC
Keep your eyes on ‘em, lads.
These kids are going places.

2019-07-31 02:16:06 UTC  

I see your point

2019-07-31 02:16:07 UTC  

and so corrupt it resembles little of what is on pap er

2019-07-31 02:16:08 UTC  

@Samaritan "Bitches love cannons" (Hellsing Abridged)

2019-07-31 02:16:27 UTC  

Except the US does more than the UN.

2019-07-31 02:16:39 UTC  

the UN isn't supposed to DO anything

2019-07-31 02:16:55 UTC  

it's just a meeting place, a club

2019-07-31 02:17:00 UTC  

US buys votes

2019-07-31 02:17:02 UTC  

I thought its supposed to mediate?

2019-07-31 02:17:05 UTC  

The EU is violates soverenty like crazy

2019-07-31 02:17:17 UTC  

a mediator isn't applying force

2019-07-31 02:17:21 UTC  

these goddamn things were about the spookiest shit in doom 3 when I played it as a young teen

2019-07-31 02:17:27 UTC  

then why compare the two?

2019-07-31 02:17:33 UTC  

this is a Trite

2019-07-31 02:17:34 UTC  

an attorney is a mediator