Message from @ElderGrim
Discord ID: 342847428908810241
I could take 10-12
No more than that
Even weak aids faggs have strength in numbers
@Hand Banana you only need 2 bullets each
I'm talking hand to hand
With a gun its a lot more
ehh fuck that, if its a fight I will certainly be scared for my life.
dozens of these shrieking goblins come over the hill you better hope your sword arm isn't flabby
There is no scenario in which using a firearm at Lee park will end well haha
They forgot to put it in the oven
And I'm not talking about the cake
@khaos156-WV Is your girl still looking for first aid gear? "Mylanta" is good if you're hit by mace or bear spray. Not sure what it is... someone told me about it.
Make sure you got your Mylanta for when you get stabbed with a knife.
And bandaids for when you get pepper sprayed 🤣
This where you volunteer to help with overall security? <@&321389548984729600>
We don't need anymore help with that.
We need help in non-combat roles.
🤔 Antifa claiming 4k, but alright. I'll help wherever.
rahowa isnt going to happen in cville next week
We need help getting people safely to and from the vent right now
Just let me know where I can get in and help if there's something like that you need.
Thx Fox.
Will there be any special considerations for people who will be at the park early the day of, theres a few anticom guys who are going and i want to make sure we're doing everything we can to stay safe during that time.
@VenusFröst good question. There are convoy logistics being coordinated and will be put out before the event to make sure everyone is aware of the safe options they have to attend.
@Heinz - MI Has anyone made progress towards selecting plain clothes comms people? I have a candidate.
I'm looking for 2-3 more teams
@VenusFröst anyone who arrives at the AO prior to the main force does so at their own risk.
Yeah just dont be there early
Getting there early wont do anything besides give them incentive to start the day off on the wrong foot.
They are apt go chimp on a small group and once they get going they wont stop.
If we show up all at the same time they will be intimidated.
@HueTheHand how early?
@HueTheHand one of you should just pretend to be retarded, and a couple of goys could pretend to be his wrangler.
Easy espionage.
@Kurt set you a DM