Message from @Lucienne d'Anwyl

Discord ID: 609941086357422120

2019-08-11 02:43:52 UTC  

Soap in a towel works too

2019-08-11 02:44:01 UTC  

beat him within an inch of his god damn life

2019-08-11 02:45:00 UTC  

na, would be enjoyable watching the life drain from such a degernates body

2019-08-11 02:45:05 UTC  

reminds me of this one thing this dude said. hes like. we should take these evil fucks and tie em to a truck by the feet, and drag em slowly for miles through broken glass

2019-08-11 02:45:17 UTC  

i was like... huh.. thats a new one for me <:thinking_clown:590855640268668928>

2019-08-11 02:45:37 UTC  

Horrible... just bad

2019-08-11 02:45:59 UTC  

nah, driving on broken glass is too easy

2019-08-11 02:46:09 UTC  

no mental component

2019-08-11 02:46:29 UTC  

no see you splash em with salt water AFTER the dragging

2019-08-11 02:46:36 UTC  

We shouldn’t be harming anyone

2019-08-11 02:46:37 UTC  


2019-08-11 02:46:39 UTC  

no thinking if he is gonna lose his fingernails or his testicles first

2019-08-11 02:46:57 UTC  

I think pedos should face death by vivasection

2019-08-11 02:46:57 UTC  

why would you kill him

2019-08-11 02:47:10 UTC  

his testimony id the onl thing able to incriinate the dems tbh

2019-08-11 02:47:19 UTC  

even if you tortured the names out of him

2019-08-11 02:47:23 UTC  

no onewould believe you

2019-08-11 02:47:29 UTC  

well if it was up to me i wouldnt wait for the incrimination of the dems <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>

2019-08-11 02:47:34 UTC  

LMFAO... aww that is sweet Lucci. EXTERMELY naive... but sweet

2019-08-11 02:48:03 UTC  

i dnt need to see the evidence, for i am judge jury and executioner. and i know the verdict before the trial starts MWAHAHAHAHAHA

2019-08-11 02:48:07 UTC  

they killed him so that he couldnt testify lel

2019-08-11 02:48:17 UTC  


2019-08-11 02:48:19 UTC  

ye bt it doesnt mean jack shit does t

2019-08-11 02:48:24 UTC  

epstein isnt the dangerous one

2019-08-11 02:48:27 UTC  

he just knew the names

2019-08-11 02:48:32 UTC  

even if you killed epstein

2019-08-11 02:48:32 UTC  

"He's too DANGEROUS to keep alive"

2019-08-11 02:48:35 UTC  

the others are untouchable

2019-08-11 02:48:38 UTC

2019-08-11 02:48:40 UTC  

i mean he was pretty dangerous lol

2019-08-11 02:48:51 UTC  


2019-08-11 02:49:18 UTC  

Had Anikin Listened to SLJ, the emperor would have been DEAD and none of that shit would of went down

2019-08-11 02:49:31 UTC  


2019-08-11 02:49:58 UTC  

_to epstein_

2019-08-11 02:50:04 UTC  


2019-08-11 02:50:05 UTC  

Justice is often a shade of gray

2019-08-11 02:50:44 UTC  


2019-08-11 02:50:51 UTC  

Execute the Emperor. Then turn yourself in for murder

2019-08-11 02:51:15 UTC  

better dying by firing squad than having your throat slit while u sleep

2019-08-11 02:51:41 UTC  

This is stupid, can we discuss something meaningful

2019-08-11 02:51:45 UTC  
