Message from @Laucivol

Discord ID: 610998073598017546

2019-08-14 00:44:24 UTC  

Ah. Not unfair NQ.. but such was also true when I was with the Marines, as well.

2019-08-14 00:44:40 UTC  

And, I learned that lesson *hard.*

2019-08-14 00:44:53 UTC  

... still a little angry about that.

2019-08-14 00:45:08 UTC  

Flipping 5 year relationship, *boop*.

2019-08-14 00:45:27 UTC  

marines need head-strong woman that isn't centered on herself

2019-08-14 00:45:30 UTC  

And she crumbles to an easy lay.

2019-08-14 00:45:39 UTC  

someone has to give the damn orders

2019-08-14 00:45:44 UTC  

See, I was trying to mold her into that.

2019-08-14 00:46:01 UTC  

lol; you can't mold just anyone into a DI

2019-08-14 00:46:21 UTC  

Where'd she be fucking strong enough to withstand worse than a 40 hour workweek away from me.

2019-08-14 00:46:31 UTC  

yeah, that one is hard

2019-08-14 00:46:38 UTC  

unless family

2019-08-14 00:46:41 UTC  

Nah, my bullshit mistake was going for fair.

2019-08-14 00:46:55 UTC  

me too, man... me too

2019-08-14 00:47:01 UTC  

fair get's you fucked over

2019-08-14 00:47:21 UTC  

She *asked* me for crying out loud if I'd approve of her joining as well.

2019-08-14 00:47:38 UTC  

worse thing in the world when two people have different expectations of the each other

2019-08-14 00:47:45 UTC  

and of themselves

2019-08-14 00:47:48 UTC  

I *knew* the odds were terrible.

2019-08-14 00:48:01 UTC  

But .. if the relationship survived?

2019-08-14 00:48:12 UTC  

We'd be invincible.

2019-08-14 00:48:17 UTC  

yeah, first instinct is best instinct

2019-08-14 00:48:22 UTC  

bad topic to drink to tbh

2019-08-14 00:48:51 UTC  

Only time I'd talk about something over 10 years ago about.

2019-08-14 00:48:55 UTC  
2019-08-14 00:49:01 UTC  


2019-08-14 00:49:08 UTC  

Okay, I'm pushing the call button

2019-08-14 00:49:36 UTC  

that sucks

2019-08-14 00:49:47 UTC  


2019-08-14 00:49:58 UTC  

hes writing history

2019-08-14 00:50:06 UTC  

unlike most incels here

2019-08-14 00:50:18 UTC  

wtf u talkin' bout, willis?

2019-08-14 00:50:30 UTC  
2019-08-14 00:50:54 UTC  

Well, it's my high school sweetheart.

2019-08-14 00:50:55 UTC  

lmao, coming from you

2019-08-14 00:51:05 UTC  


2019-08-14 00:51:13 UTC  

It's a wound that I hide, but never shall recover from.

2019-08-14 00:51:19 UTC  


2019-08-14 00:51:31 UTC  

we all have one of those

2019-08-14 00:51:33 UTC  

high school was shat for my part, was an incel back then

2019-08-14 00:51:40 UTC  

not me <:BIGBRAIN:501101491428392991>