Message from @Metahuman1

Discord ID: 609896663846354957

2019-08-10 23:39:24 UTC  

How much do skill specilizations cost?

2019-08-10 23:41:05 UTC  

@MS It is, it's just that character generation is a hurdle.

2019-08-10 23:42:59 UTC  

"At character creation, a specialization costs 1 skill

2019-08-10 23:42:59 UTC  

Anyone up for coop in the new vermentide 2 dlc?

2019-08-10 23:45:04 UTC  

Char-gen is the best part though

2019-08-10 23:45:24 UTC  

You haven't seen convolouted character system until you've played HERO System/Champions

2019-08-10 23:47:32 UTC  

Once you get 5e's chargen down it becomes an absolute dream

2019-08-10 23:47:52 UTC  

It's just that the book is so poorly put together that getting it down is hard

2019-08-10 23:48:20 UTC  

Huh. I though Martial Arts Styles were paid with Karma. Alright then.

So, in that case, I've got Longarms 6, Close Combat Unarmed 4, Intimidation 5, Exotic Weapon Lasso 3, Etiquette 4, Perception 4, Sneaking 1, Armorer 3. And that would leave 1 skill rank left for my flavorful Way Of The Cowboy Style.

2019-08-10 23:48:38 UTC  

Yeah you need to flip back and forth throughout the book, Long-arms is good for tactical shit, but no handgun?

2019-08-10 23:49:32 UTC  

You can buy anything with karma or skill points

2019-08-10 23:49:34 UTC  

And I've played Hero System/Champions once before many years ago. It was fun but character gen was a bit of a nightmare.

I'm not using a hand gun. She's a Minotaur. Who has 2 Drum Fed Street Sweeper Style Shotguns wtih short barrels, that she duel weilds as if they were Cowboy Revolvers. (they'd still be covered via Longarm Skill though.)

2019-08-10 23:49:52 UTC  

Buying things with karma in chargen is a waste unless you have EVERYTHING you want

2019-08-10 23:50:07 UTC  


2019-08-10 23:50:13 UTC  

OR if they can ONLY be purchased with karma or in chargen itself

2019-08-10 23:50:19 UTC  

Does that skill spred look good?

2019-08-10 23:50:54 UTC  

Also, Adept Ways/Mentor Spirits/Inititation/Submersion are all things I can pick up after character gen, right?

2019-08-10 23:50:59 UTC  

GMing it is a pain though, I never got the hang of SRs differant layers, I.e the mage shit, the computer systems too

2019-08-10 23:51:06 UTC  

Seems p decent to me

2019-08-10 23:51:19 UTC  

Submersion is technomancers

2019-08-10 23:51:35 UTC  

Ah, ok, but the other 3 can be picked up later, right?

2019-08-10 23:53:02 UTC  


2019-08-10 23:54:25 UTC  

As far as I understand it all of the technomancer stuff is a 1:1 for magic stuff so mentors should work about the same as Paragons

2019-08-10 23:57:26 UTC  


2019-08-10 23:57:48 UTC  

I can take up to 25 negative Karma, correct?

2019-08-10 23:58:27 UTC  


2019-08-10 23:59:08 UTC  


2019-08-10 23:59:16 UTC  

that, hurt my brain a little.

2019-08-10 23:59:42 UTC  

Um, Right. Character generation of insane joke character for Pink Mowhawk Magic Cyberpunk game.

2019-08-10 23:59:53 UTC  

I cant take up to 25 Negative Karma, right?

2019-08-11 00:00:47 UTC  

You can take -25

2019-08-11 00:01:06 UTC  

My GM allows -30

2019-08-11 00:01:19 UTC  

(mostly for SURGE)

2019-08-11 00:10:55 UTC  

I'm thinking of doing Organic Shellfish as a thing the character is allergic too. Do you think that's rare enough in SR to qualify as Uncommon?

2019-08-11 00:16:40 UTC  

Also, taking Ambidexterous and Quick healer. Any other recommendations for were to put Karma?

2019-08-11 00:55:59 UTC  

in the future, everything is SOY

2019-08-11 01:05:57 UTC  

Exactly, Ergo, it's something not common that you don't run into often.

2019-08-11 01:37:32 UTC  

I'd say most seafood would be uncommon unless it's tank meat

2019-08-11 01:51:54 UTC  

You might also see a good amount of easy to farm fish in coastal areas

2019-08-11 01:52:52 UTC  

But most of shadowrun's food is just whatever's the most calorie efficient item around with flavoring and texturing applied to it