Message from @ETBrooD

Discord ID: 606236684350390303

2019-07-31 21:21:39 UTC  

Then you're not in demand enough, tough luck, fit your product to meet the demand then

2019-07-31 21:21:59 UTC  

There's nothing stopping you from doing that

2019-07-31 21:22:26 UTC  

@Holo that's it, and this is what happens when the big boys start to get legal and then push people around with their mergers . Because you can buy them out and claim copyrights and persue legal action.

2019-07-31 21:23:04 UTC  

Which means, poetic licence is not available in the arts industry and everything becomes a rerun.

2019-07-31 21:23:23 UTC  

"push people around with their mergers" you're talking nonsense

2019-07-31 21:23:50 UTC  

so lets put it even farther, i expand my store to sell other things than lemonade and we'll increase the quality of the lemonade 10 fold.

I'm a shit owner, i'm a bit rude and can be a bit preachy to my customers, but my lemonade is the absolute best, so people come anyways.

Now in order to make my lemonade the best, i have to use the best ingredients, which raises the cost, but i don't want to, so i reduce the cost so i actually lose 10% on every lemonade i sell.

I make that 10% back though from the sale of other items in my store.

Now same dude on the other side of the street. He is much nicer, a great person, he's willing to do anything for his customers. He can't compete with me though, because I operate a loss, and am fine because of my other sales.

So he goes out of business without me doing anything

2019-07-31 21:23:53 UTC  

Copyrights are an issue, yes. But that's a different problem

2019-07-31 21:24:20 UTC  

we'll assume the quality of the lemonade is the same

2019-07-31 21:24:34 UTC  


2019-07-31 21:24:57 UTC  

You're just proving that competition works, you're just making it so the competitors aren't offering the product that is in ACTUAL demand

2019-07-31 21:25:14 UTC  

Or the service

2019-07-31 21:25:23 UTC  

@ETBrooD she woops your bum and you're not knowledgeable in mergers and legislative assembly of claims. Get with it.

2019-07-31 21:25:24 UTC  

no? in both cases the competition balks under the pressure from the original company and can't compete

2019-07-31 21:25:42 UTC  

The competition fails not because of the monopoly, but because of their own incompetence

2019-07-31 21:25:50 UTC  

the first case however, i would say is customer error mostly, since they continue to visit the bad service regardless

2019-07-31 21:26:37 UTC  

the second case, however is not error on customer or on business owner, but because the guy with the big store has the ability to offer his service at an absolute loss, and still be an utter dick to his customers, the other person can't compete

2019-07-31 21:26:40 UTC  

That's literally what I said

2019-07-31 21:26:56 UTC  

Customer is king, this is always true, and it describes how demand works

2019-07-31 21:27:20 UTC  

Make youtube then

2019-07-31 21:27:22 UTC  

You're literally complaining that you're not good enough to produce something that is in greater demand

2019-07-31 21:28:08 UTC  

People are making alternatives to Youtube, they just haven't taken off yet because they're shit

2019-07-31 21:28:10 UTC  

If i made a copy of youtube, that offered ads to everyone, that explained every copyright strike, that was responsive and transparent to the people who uploaded, i'd still be dead within a year because i couldn't operate under the ENORMOUS loss that youtube sustains

2019-07-31 21:29:00 UTC  

Well then you're still offering a bad service, because if you lose money because of your bad service that simply means that you're not in demand

2019-07-31 21:29:10 UTC  


2019-07-31 21:29:20 UTC  

It doesn't matter how much you think your service is worth, the customer decides

2019-07-31 21:29:31 UTC  

you do realize youtube operates at a loss because of the infastructure... right?

2019-07-31 21:29:37 UTC  

But then that's not what happened in regards to IBM because they were out shone by the other competitors in the 80's and 90's . They couldn't keep up and tried to use some nasty tactics. However , you tube are compelled by the consumers themselves and do not prevent poetic license.

2019-07-31 21:30:05 UTC  

Youtube may just be operating at a loss either way, maybe it's just not something that can turn a profit

2019-07-31 21:30:18 UTC  

If i offer the theoretical best service and we'll say EVERYONE switches from youtube to me, i'll still be dead within a year because of the operating costs

2019-07-31 21:30:21 UTC  

So the answer is don't enter an unprofitable market

2019-07-31 21:30:49 UTC  

@Holo I know this but, it depends on how they will look at the long term pursuits . At the moment their TV series are breaking the mold.

2019-07-31 21:30:50 UTC  

if it's unprofitable, shouldn't the question be 'why' and not just accepting that?

2019-07-31 21:31:02 UTC  

Who cares if your product is the best on the market if no one wants it enough so you operate at a loss, it's the same end result, and your competitors are not the reason why you fail

2019-07-31 21:31:14 UTC  

This is why they have started to charge for it with premium membership.

2019-07-31 21:31:31 UTC  

You really need to understand the difference between an actual market bully and a monopoly

2019-07-31 21:31:38 UTC  

Netflix streaming is almost there though.

2019-07-31 21:31:47 UTC  

i'm not entirely sure ET is understanding my point here

2019-07-31 21:31:55 UTC  

But not for personal gratification. <:UwUzalu:583698818642608138>

2019-07-31 21:32:00 UTC  

I do get your point, but you don't understand how supply & demand works

2019-07-31 21:32:13 UTC  

@Holo no he takes a while .

2019-07-31 21:32:30 UTC  

Any large corporation with enough subsidiaries will be able to eat any loss from a poorly run industry, meaning that the barrier for entry is exorbitantly high