Message from @BrandonChimaria (。◕‿◕。✿)

Discord ID: 603840056905695242

2019-07-25 00:28:40 UTC  

Apparently the first thing started when the Jews escaped Russia.

2019-07-25 00:31:47 UTC  

"according to Three Arrows.........."

2019-07-25 00:32:28 UTC  

C'mon, I think his stuffs are at least good when it comes to historical events.

2019-07-25 00:35:05 UTC  

I don't. I remember him doing a vid where he claimed the motivation for Barbarosa was to kill the Jews. Which is completely inaccurate. Yes the Nazis wanted to kill the Jews but they were also running out of oil and food. While genocide was on the menue in Gruppenplan Ost the primary strategic goals were the wheat fields in Ukraine and the oil fields in Bakut. By and large (I have not watched all his videos) his take on history seems to mirror Soviet propaganda more than any real scholarship.

2019-07-25 00:36:01 UTC  

Yeah, i remember that video.

2019-07-25 00:44:15 UTC  

I am also yet to watch all his videos, but most of his Nazis stuffs are tailored around the notion that the Nazi ideology is bad. Everything and anything they did has something to do with their utter hatred towards the jews, it has nothing to do with any other factors.

2019-07-25 00:44:33 UTC  

And I especially remember his video criticism of JBP.

2019-07-25 00:45:59 UTC

2019-07-25 00:46:54 UTC  

Criticizing JBP's view that the Nazis had some very irrational hatred toward the jews, it was a very long video concluding on, Yes the nazis hated the jews but they were entirely rational, despite some crazy shits the nazis did that looked and seemed entirely irrational.

2019-07-25 00:46:56 UTC  

i don't think they were nearby

2019-07-25 00:48:07 UTC  

Well the Nazi ideology *was* bad. The study of the Genocide (or democide in Russia's case) is clouded by competing narratives. There was a narrative of Judeo-Bolshevism which you've likely heard parroted by alt-right commenters. The Russian narrative mirrors it in which there is communism and fascism and all that is not communism is fascism. You will hear this parroted by communist commenters. Neither of these are true.

2019-07-25 00:50:07 UTC  

What you have instead is a place where all government and civil society was crushed. Anything in the Moltov/ Ribbentrop division was not just conquered but conquered *several times* so nothing like civilization could remain there. Without civilization murderers like Hitler and Stalin had free reign to do whatever they desired.

2019-07-25 00:54:54 UTC  

Yes, hard to see how the current situation in the US detention centers will result in something like concentration camps, so many things we had in Europe during the last century are not here. His arguement is 100% classic slippery slope backed by a view that the current US administration is fascist.

2019-07-25 01:03:47 UTC  

The closest analogue to it in the US would actually be FDR who did inter citizens based on ethnicity.......

2019-07-25 01:06:01 UTC  

Yes, putting away him being a Democrat and Lefty super star, even FDR stopped at that, no genocide was committed in FDR japanese camps, and compensations were paid in later days. This is a classic case of how not every camp ends up in mass deaths.

2019-07-25 01:06:42 UTC  

It was a horrible thing to happen, yes, but it didn't go further from that.

2019-07-25 01:16:26 UTC  

Ok but it supports the Bloodlands hypothesis. FDR was as close to fascism as my country ever came. Not just camps but the National Socialist economic model was one where the government could mandate what industry produced. FDR did this too under the National Recovery Administration. He mandated what could be produced and when much like the Nazi economy. *But* unlike central Europe civil society and the state were not destroyed. If he had started gassing and burning *American citizens* it would have been the end of him.

2019-07-25 01:19:48 UTC  

Yes, and i agree with you. And that's why i don't see the current US going the way of Nazi Germany. You can hate or love Trump, but i don't see him or anyone in the current US politics being able to destroy the institution the US has right now. And that's why i think TA's arguement is wrong.

2019-07-25 01:21:47 UTC  

But if you're Poland? First you get invaded by the Russians and they murder all the intelligentsia, they murder the military leaders, they decapitate your culture. Then you get invaded again by the Germans and they have this doctrine of 'Judeo-Bolshevism' which means you might get out alive *if you surrender the Jews* then you get invaded by the Russians again and they want every last partisan or patriot so you can be pressed into the Soviet power block. **That** is how the killing happens.

2019-07-25 06:43:40 UTC

2019-07-25 06:44:48 UTC  

Soviets were communist.
Anti-facist were communist.

Soviet had stalin, killed millions.
Poland had a dictator, suppressed many.

2019-07-25 06:49:23 UTC  

1933 Hitler was in power, took the banks, and threw them out.
Soon after, Germany was boycotted by Judea.

>War was escilating.
Why was boycotts, and war was escalating..
Because it was hurting the bankers wallets, from the centralized banking system..

Winston Churchill
> ``` The unforgivable sin of Hitler's Germany was to develop a new economic system by which the international bankers were deprived of their profits. ```

2019-07-25 06:49:25 UTC  

But....but it wasn’t **true** communism

2019-07-25 06:50:29 UTC  

WW2 broke out, Germany lost, banks went back in... No more war.

2019-07-25 06:51:30 UTC  

Then operation paperclip took off, with the soviets of russia, and USA.
NASA was founded aka capcom.

Then the space race took off.

2019-07-25 06:52:45 UTC  

> <>
CNN’s Chris Cuomo says Antifa is “a good cause”
> <>
FBI Investigating Antifa For Plotting To Buy Guns From Cartel For ‘Armed Rebellion’
> <>
~ <>
Armed Antifa Fire Bombs ICE Facility, Is Shot And Killed By Police
> <>

2019-07-25 06:54:23 UTC  

BREAKING: Senate Introduces Bill to Label Antifa "Domestic Terrorists"
RT if you SUPPORT this BILL...
> <>
~ <>

2019-07-25 06:56:06 UTC  

Germany, had a Typhus outbreak.

Nails, and hair was found at the camps.
Nails are publically known to spread infection, and hair carry's, and spreads lice.
And Lice is typhus.

2019-07-25 06:58:29 UTC  

US Blanket bombed the shit out of germany, didn't care where.
After weeks of bombing, US soldiers were deployed, then the walking skeletons were a thing.

When you are turned into a skeleton, did you need time to be that skinny.
So after that, if US did bombed anywhere, infectively as a military tactic to cut the supply tains off from the germans.
Did that indefinitely cut off the food supply to the camps.

2019-07-25 06:59:46 UTC  

They ran out of food, from war damages.
And made people suffer from the casualty rate.

2019-07-25 07:01:25 UTC  

I wonder how this is actually getting a connection in a way, to cause the so called holocaust.

2019-07-25 07:02:07 UTC  

Also the lice was from russia.

2019-07-25 07:03:05 UTC  

After russia invaded.

2019-07-25 07:03:12 UTC  

And during.

2019-07-25 07:04:01 UTC  

Though epidemic typhus was responsible for millions of deaths in previous centuries.
> <>

2019-07-25 11:15:53 UTC  


2019-07-25 11:16:06 UTC  


2019-07-25 11:16:10 UTC  


2019-07-25 12:02:28 UTC  

fuck me sweden is woke!

2019-07-25 12:02:46 UTC  
