Message from @Tee CA
Discord ID: 276956902842171392
@Odalist Refrain I'll let you know when he comes
how would you know what we can/can't do, we literally just started
what kind of asshole would brag about murder
just accept my friend request
on the [REDACTED] list?
I find it funny that you queers get pissed at Antifa for trying to limit your freddom of speech and now you are threatening to ban me because I don't agree with your circle jerk.
[REDACTED]'s friendslist
oh okay
is that one antifa cuck
this is a fucking private discord faggot
wtf, im antifa now!
"Haha there was this fascist guy on the net and i totally slit his throat lol"
wtf is freddom of speach
Private my asss.
you havent improved your spelling since you were talking about "facists" before in my discord
@Liberal Degenerate I can't tell whether you're antifa or someone who's mad that we haven't killed any antifa yet
@Liberal Degenerate I'll be your friend LD. Your want to talk about the Jews and how they're trying to destroy the Huwhite race?
"Come to this discord for **this** " "I came for the opposite of that!! haha! bet you guys will ban me!"
I mad that you haven't done shit yet.
we antifa now lads?
someone help me kill myself
All talk, no action.
doctor piss do you mean this Dan Mckay?
@Liberal Degenerate Freedom of speech is merely a tool used to be able to persuade the masses. We want to destroy Antifa because they're marxists.
i can see his posts
but no mutual friends
does he look like an antifa
@Liberal Degenerate We didn't realize how unhinged and retarded they were. That and we figured the police weeks actually start cracking skulls.
lemme rephrase
does he look like a cuck
kind of but not enough to make me want to call him up and harass
oh yes
he definitely looks like a cuck
They actually aren;t.