Message from @SuddenCringe

Discord ID: 601528168490336256

2019-07-18 21:32:43 UTC  

yes, well, functionality and practicality lose meaning in politics

2019-07-18 21:33:07 UTC  


2019-07-18 21:33:18 UTC  

That's how my brain goes reading this conversation tbh

2019-07-18 21:33:21 UTC  

we're not participaitng in politics; we're having a plebian conversation

2019-07-18 21:33:26 UTC  

So, he is a fanatic Sodical Democrat, fanatic enough to create a political organization for said ideology.
You will excuse me if i don't expect much Impartiality from anyone of that reputation.

2019-07-18 21:33:35 UTC  

Activist to the core as well.

2019-07-18 21:33:58 UTC  

I just can't agree that he's a "fanatic" of anything.

2019-07-18 21:34:07 UTC  

Cenk and crew are 'fanatics', certainly

2019-07-18 21:34:20 UTC  

and Mike to an extent

2019-07-18 21:34:25 UTC  

He was with Cenk when they both made the Justice Democrat organization, he was one of his crew.

2019-07-18 21:34:40 UTC  

yes? and Cenk banged the drums for Hillary and Russiagate

2019-07-18 21:35:39 UTC  

So, he is ok because he didn't fall for a consipiracy, and that a good excuse the other 90% of the political ideology they share to the extent they created an organization for activism?

2019-07-18 21:35:44 UTC  

Kyle even appeard on TYT on election night as a warning voice saying HIllary is not a certain winner

2019-07-18 21:35:54 UTC  

and they waved him off

2019-07-18 21:36:42 UTC  

and he has a consistent record of free speech advocacy

2019-07-18 21:37:03 UTC  

You can do all of those, and be partisan, fanatic and biased.

2019-07-18 21:37:24 UTC  

no...... you really can't

2019-07-18 21:37:45 UTC  

biased, yeah, but not partisan

2019-07-18 21:37:49 UTC  

at least not nowadays

2019-07-18 21:38:00 UTC  

This reminds me of when my dad told me about his parents fighting over whether a certain color was blue or teal. They almost divorced over that.

2019-07-18 21:38:11 UTC  

Yes i can, he is still an activist frevently advocating for an ideology, to the level of creating an organization for said ideology.

2019-07-18 21:39:47 UTC  

yes, he's an activist to an extent? I still don't see why you keep bringing that up, or how this discussion became all about Kyle

2019-07-18 21:40:01 UTC  

because it's kyles video

2019-07-18 21:40:25 UTC  

Well, yeah. It was his video, and i commented that i do not turst much of Secular Talk because of his biased opinions.

2019-07-18 21:40:58 UTC  

and I was just wondering in what specific direction, because if you said "he's biased for democrats" I'd have to correct you

2019-07-18 21:41:09 UTC  

No, i never said that he was bised to democrats.

2019-07-18 21:41:32 UTC  

no, but then you said socialist and...... well translation just broke down from there

2019-07-18 21:41:35 UTC  

I said he was biased to 100% socialism, then i was forced to correct myself to 100% social democrat.

2019-07-18 21:41:40 UTC  

relative to republicans, yes he is

2019-07-18 21:41:46 UTC  


2019-07-18 21:42:03 UTC  

basically we've been screaming at each other over relative and subjective perspectives

2019-07-18 21:42:08 UTC  

what a fucking great use of time

2019-07-18 21:42:24 UTC  

in respect to republicans, he *is* biased towards democrats

2019-07-18 21:42:35 UTC  

pick a goalpost joker

2019-07-18 21:42:51 UTC  

and partisan is more than just dems-vs-reps

2019-07-18 21:43:15 UTC  

Pffft, i didn't have a single problem, all i have said are true. He is 100% biased to one ideology, he is an ideologue.

2019-07-18 21:44:07 UTC  

and it seems we're never going to agree on that

2019-07-18 21:45:18 UTC  

What that he is an ideologue? That he advocated for socialism brought in by a democratic process?

2019-07-18 21:45:51 UTC  

Except he didn't, because you're not going to get away with just throwing around "socialism"

2019-07-18 21:47:19 UTC  

He wants government incentivization of Worker owned cooperatives.