Message from @Coolitic

Discord ID: 605459560899149878

2019-07-29 17:58:36 UTC  

We'll pay taxes, he won't

2019-07-29 17:58:40 UTC  

Not in law.

2019-07-29 17:58:40 UTC  

He can live how he wants

2019-07-29 17:58:41 UTC  

barring any accidents

2019-07-29 17:58:43 UTC  


2019-07-29 17:58:46 UTC  

Law is univsersal.

2019-07-29 17:58:53 UTC  

If he falls into financial ruin, let him

2019-07-29 17:59:00 UTC  

"Shouldn't have gotten sick"

2019-07-29 17:59:07 UTC  

Tough luck. no support for you.

2019-07-29 17:59:07 UTC  

The entire Univsersal healthcare thing needs to be univsersal.

2019-07-29 17:59:19 UTC  

He doesn't want to be a part of that

2019-07-29 17:59:20 UTC  


2019-07-29 17:59:21 UTC  

Universal healthcare depends on tax money.

2019-07-29 17:59:26 UTC  

Universal healthcare must apply to everyone

2019-07-29 17:59:30 UTC  

By definitipn

2019-07-29 17:59:34 UTC  

If it's optional... People with private insurance won't pay.

2019-07-29 17:59:35 UTC  

tax money that comes from everyone, let's say again

2019-07-29 17:59:54 UTC  

Tax isnt a magicap solution that removes all culpability

2019-07-29 17:59:58 UTC  

Tax money paid by people like Cool.

2019-07-29 18:00:04 UTC  

so again, its a system everyone pays into, and everyone can benefit from.

2019-07-29 18:00:08 UTC  


2019-07-29 18:00:09 UTC  

yep, clearly theft

2019-07-29 18:00:09 UTC  

And he wants to keep that money.

2019-07-29 18:00:16 UTC  

Because everyone has diff needs

2019-07-29 18:00:26 UTC  

And said system is inflexible *by definition*

2019-07-29 18:00:30 UTC  

Yeah, taht too.

2019-07-29 18:00:40 UTC  

Thereby making it grossly inefficient

2019-07-29 18:00:51 UTC  

Individuals do know better than the Government central planners.

2019-07-29 18:01:28 UTC  

You know.. The Libertarian idea of.... Thousands of different individuals deciding their own fate, not decided by a central planner.

2019-07-29 18:01:48 UTC  

There is no "one size fits all"

2019-07-29 18:02:05 UTC  

Yet he fails to realise there IS a "one size fits most"

2019-07-29 18:02:09 UTC  

gee, if only we had a political system where those individuals could represent their peers in said central planning.

2019-07-29 18:02:15 UTC  


2019-07-29 18:02:19 UTC  

a sort of participatory system

2019-07-29 18:02:21 UTC  

That still is one size fits all

2019-07-29 18:02:23 UTC  


2019-07-29 18:02:29 UTC  

gee, if only we had one of those

2019-07-29 18:02:31 UTC  

You just adjust the size

2019-07-29 18:02:37 UTC  

Based on votes

2019-07-29 18:02:41 UTC  

You don't have representatives in univsersal healtcare.

2019-07-29 18:02:48 UTC  

It's not democracy.