Message from @BrandonChimaria (。◕‿◕。✿)

Discord ID: 609187646887034895

2019-08-08 23:02:02 UTC  

@BrandonChimaria (。◕‿◕。✿)

I just noticed they detained, questioned him, and then released him because he hadn't done anything wrong

2019-08-08 23:02:22 UTC  

Smh, just an example of #LivingWhileWhite

2019-08-08 23:02:53 UTC  


2019-08-08 23:04:09 UTC  

No, the Trump Truck El Paso guy

2019-08-08 23:04:13 UTC  


2019-08-08 23:04:29 UTC  

sigh - meat tax

2019-08-08 23:04:35 UTC  

Those Staff are a bunch of racists

2019-08-08 23:04:57 UTC  

when are these fucknuggets going to wake up and start to admit the food/fuel/etc is not the problem, it's the scale multiplier of population that needs fixing

2019-08-08 23:05:06 UTC  

Either one, antifa protected group.
Or having shit all over his truck that looks entirely fucking trollish so they can make a story.

2019-08-08 23:05:07 UTC  

I thought this was America; where you could sit in your car with Latex Gloves on while you snort coke with a Knife and Guns

2019-08-08 23:06:37 UTC  

Nah that was the 80's...

2019-08-08 23:06:53 UTC  

Now the feminist has taken over, blaming the Goyim's for everything.

2019-08-08 23:06:58 UTC  

Fucking commies.

2019-08-08 23:31:07 UTC  

Lmfao, this sounds like a parody script, but it's real...

2019-08-08 23:31:17 UTC  

The left is getting more radicalized.

2019-08-08 23:51:43 UTC  

Socialists Tend To Be Privilege Lazy Elites Who Know Better Than You, Why Is That?

2019-08-09 00:43:34 UTC  

Why is name Teal?

2019-08-09 00:50:11 UTC  

Gotta love some FakeNews in a thread...

A movement we can all get behind.
~ <>
Flowers for Atomsk @ iamthespookster
he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i'm going to hell and i'm not coming back

2019-08-09 00:54:13 UTC  

THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE: Reacting to Democratic Socialist Convention

2019-08-09 00:55:12 UTC  

The Pirate guy is on...

LIVE NOW!!! #521 Dan Crenshaw, Donald Trump and Bill Richmond Guest! | Louder With Crowder

2019-08-09 00:55:55 UTC  

MAGA Supporters Clean 12 Tons Of Trash From West Baltimore Streets

2019-08-09 01:01:42 UTC  

While I admire his seemingly genuine good intentions, unfortunately leftists everywhere will still hate him. That's the sad part to me. And I can't help but wonder how long those streets will stay clean... 🤔

2019-08-09 01:01:42 UTC  

An interesting Documentary is coming out

2019-08-09 01:10:44 UTC  

Democratic Socialists of America Conference is HORRIFYING

2019-08-09 01:47:40 UTC  

The best response to clean up of baltimore is
DAMN those republicans and their
*shuffles deck*

2019-08-09 01:55:37 UTC  

>anti-semite Ilhan Omar
I love how this is just considered correct without a shred of evidence, purely out of repetition

2019-08-09 01:56:36 UTC  

>Trump's racist
>Tucker Carlson's white supremacist
>Ilhan Omar's anti-semitic.

2019-08-09 01:56:50 UTC  

>Russia hacked the election.

2019-08-09 01:59:36 UTC  

>Video games cause violence.

2019-08-09 02:03:31 UTC  

Joseph Goebbels would be fucking proud.

2019-08-09 02:06:45 UTC  

>inb4 that's not his quote
fuck off, you know what I meant

2019-08-09 02:12:39 UTC  

Joe Biden slip-up in Iowa tonight.

"Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids."

Yikes...have fun mitigating that one.

2019-08-09 02:12:55 UTC  


2019-08-09 02:13:29 UTC  

while downplaying how much his generation fucked up this country for the next one, he manages to downplay who amongst the youth are doing worst.

2019-08-09 02:33:13 UTC  

Plan G.

2019-08-09 02:43:15 UTC  

US Calls China "Thuggish Regime" For Releasing Identity Of US Official Caught Meeting With HK Protesters

2019-08-09 02:48:01 UTC  

Sun Yat Sen 2.0

2019-08-09 02:58:07 UTC  

BREAKING: Good Guy With Gun Stops Potential Attack At Walmart After Man Shows Up With Rifle, Body Armor