Message from @robert from kinoplex
Discord ID: 598924447919112222
He's a pain in my ass.
Yeah but you like that
> laughing at the victim of the regime
Typical commie empathy level
That's why people offer you helicopter rides
@BabaBooey is that funny to you
what else is funny
And don't count commie kils as a murder
warsaw pact invasion on czechoslovakia 1968?
@BabaBooey you're an even more grown man who unironically believes in communism
oh wait that wasnt funny that was ***JUSTIFIED***
You fucking retard
Not slaves
@robert from kinoplex people losing their servants is funny as fuck
Paid servants and inheritance
They chose to work there
Probably trembles with indignation at every injustice except those done in the name of communism
yeah and serfs chose to work at the manor
@BabaBooey Be the communism, share your property with others first
Be the change
@BabaBooey you win the autism Olympics BRAVO!
They took from anyone who was richer than a dumb worker
Are you retarded
This is Poland
Be the leading example
Literally fucking everyone
There were no servis
In poland
Not they unemployed and homeless and hungry
You fucking imbecile
Serfdom was abolished during the enlightenment
real communism hasnt been tried yet
Even a pony degenerate is more likable than an unironic commie