Message from @robert from kinoplex
Discord ID: 598926894762557451
@Al Capwned america could be better
@robert from kinoplex that's baba lmao
Nah that's shit tier degradation
@BabaBooey I'll murder you
Baba do you have a job?
It could be better, no shit. But not under socialism
Unironically Baba
Your system will never work
I would love to stop you the fuck out
this is so sad
Trust fund kid that drank the cool aid of soviet propaganda
Communism will never work
Human made systems will never be perfect but our system is more perfect than the one you dream of
Jón no stop what r u doing jon
@BabaBooey what do you do for a living?
from the ashes 😍😩
get the flamer
At least he admits it
He’s a carpenter iirc
Eventually they converge
Carpenter so work by commission?
Let's see how you like it when I take YOU out of context nigger
@BabaBooey irl
Yeah that’s fine