Message from @Meter Reader Mario
Discord ID: 599028707566551090
I guess that was in the screenshot
26% now
I usually charge it while I skeep
you should never let it get that low
Let it go!
Why not let it get that low
Also, oof
Joe Biden: I respect no border
Just ask all the females he's been so handsy with
Trespassers will be shot.
Survivors will be shot again.
atleast that death would be a funny one
Mines don't need bullets
Just like PewDiePie
I bet he doesn't have legs
he's clearly one of those skateboarders that rests on his delegged pelvis
tfw that meme is hate speech against *differently legged* people in the year 2025
I like this meme format
this is a pentision to get bobby muted
I just thought of that the other day
I wouldn't even think about it if Extra Credits didn't use it for all their Nazi imagery in their shitty history vids