Message from @Flavius Stilicho

Discord ID: 600372981608349729

2019-07-15 16:54:07 UTC  

Found at a local Chinese corner store

2019-07-15 16:54:19 UTC  


2019-07-15 16:55:39 UTC  

Ben Tennycest

2019-07-15 16:56:26 UTC

2019-07-15 16:58:22 UTC  

That's a sticker btw

2019-07-15 16:58:50 UTC  

Might put it on my computer tower

2019-07-15 16:58:52 UTC  

nani the fuck

2019-07-15 17:01:01 UTC  

***He's no ordinary kid, he's BEN CEST!***

2019-07-15 17:01:20 UTC  

>Ben 10 incest fanfics

2019-07-15 17:01:27 UTC  

<:ahegao:462286952335671296> <:GetDownOnTheBarn:590619824640753697>

2019-07-15 17:01:39 UTC  

Awwwgh fuck, what have I done, now the song is going through my head

2019-07-15 17:02:19 UTC

2019-07-15 17:02:25 UTC  

that's even better then "Inspect-my-Gadget"

2019-07-15 17:05:15 UTC  

Nah, I'm a 90's kid with a valet job

2019-07-15 17:06:32 UTC  


2019-07-15 17:06:40 UTC  

I'm gonna hit that with a

2019-07-15 17:06:59 UTC  

*This aint it, chief*

2019-07-15 17:07:53 UTC  

hmm I like the rainbow paint head more

2019-07-15 17:07:57 UTC  

>you know your a 90's kid when you've fucked up your life with poor choices but take no responsibility for your own actions and long for death instead

2019-07-15 17:08:09 UTC  

make more sense for this server

2019-07-15 17:08:18 UTC  

that's a fucking boomer take if ever I've heard one

2019-07-15 17:09:31 UTC  

<- 90's kid with a wife, kids, home, good job, no student debt.
didn't make stupid choices, didn't win stupid prizes

2019-07-15 17:10:37 UTC  

>no student debt
so its *their* fault they believed literally every school faculty member drilling into their head that college was the only way they'd have a future, ok dude

2019-07-15 17:10:43 UTC  

drink some more monster

2019-07-15 17:11:29 UTC  

had student debt
payed it off in four years, cause I didn't go to a meme college, and lived furgally once I graduated with a degree that was going to provide a return on an investment

2019-07-15 17:11:43 UTC  

and I drink rockstar punched. not that monster shit. :D

2019-07-15 17:11:54 UTC  

also what the fuck are you doing with a wife and kid in your 20's?!?! SOunds to me a certain stupid idea was teen pregnancy, bud

2019-07-15 17:12:29 UTC  

30's, born in 88

2019-07-15 17:12:40 UTC  

then you're not a fucking 90's kid, are you

2019-07-15 17:13:17 UTC  

grew up in the 90's and even then, I'm off by 2 yrs dude

2019-07-15 17:14:10 UTC  

ehhh, tried it once, found it nasty. NOS is the least offensive of the cheap stuff

2019-07-15 17:14:30 UTC  

Generally it's when you grew up, not when you were born, because the culture of the decade is what defines it.

2019-07-15 17:14:44 UTC  

tbf, normal rockstar I can barely drink. Punched just makes it ok.

2019-07-15 17:15:14 UTC  

Well the culture of my decade was mass teacher layoffs and school closures, so, pardon me if I'm not convinced my graduating class was entirely at fault for its fucked up futures

2019-07-15 17:15:54 UTC  

didn't say there *aren't* outside factors, but my friends with fucked up lives, all had a major hand in their current situations

2019-07-15 17:16:10 UTC  

mostly spending thousands getting degrees that they aren't doing anything with

2019-07-15 17:16:12 UTC  

>Not **Monster**
mfw not even a real boomer

2019-07-15 17:16:42 UTC  

I'd make an exception for the teen parents, but our health classes basically tried teaching a secular form of abstanance, omitting any mention of safe sex or condoms