Message from @CushAlmighty
Discord ID: 601925279824216086
@ETBrooD infinity war and end game and the mcu are over-hyped over-rated shitfests
any adaptation that is supposed to have a redhead and doesn't is henceforth automatically trash
I know the MCU is overrated, but Iron Man and IW are great movies
Here's a secret
Infinity war is dope
90% of everything is trash
MCU has ended, officially
Not yet
We got x men
let's see if then can do MCU 2
xmen would be MCU2
Fantastic 4
I do agree though that the elimination of redheads from modern media is a sad trend
It is
the MCU story ended with "endgame"
@ETBrooD you mean this:
Starfire can be black
I can fight that one
The rest totally agree
any of them can be black
Over my left nut
ok, no "any", but "most"
there is some dyslexic fuck in apparently every goddamn corporation
it's *ginger*, not the other way around
Wait when was batgirl black lol
@CushAlmighty no she cant and I will show why
look at that nose
Yes she can
no she can't
look at that black man's nose
she arn't no nigga
Read a comic
starfire is not a nigga
I know my shit