Message from @ETBrooD
Discord ID: 601926818857222146
look at those
Not real starfire
Fake fans
looking at the comics now
starfire is not a fucking nigga woman
fake and gay
look at that NOSE
But seriously, starfire is not black.
The bitch went to south Africa and got call a nigger
80s vl
@CushAlmighty this that your sorry excuse for a nigga nose?
Story written creator Marv Wolfmann
Also nose aren't direct indicators of race
Any fool understands that
@CushAlmighty typically not but those are just exceptions to the rule
is that guy with the big nose jewish?
Retard alert
Don't get me wrong
dark jew
Oh snap the thot has been banned
I hate the titans starfire
Terrible choice
everyone in Teen Titans had great character design
tf u on about?
It wouldn't be bad if she wasn't the only case of a redhead purge
@Coolitic i agree
The Teen Titans ~~anime~~ cartoon was an absolutely great show