Message from @Gservator
Discord ID: 603395656308097062
What ?
Did you know my great great great grandparents fought for the south during the American civil war
Crazy stuff am I right
Oh god please don’t take me away!
God... my mom unironically watches fucking Rachel Maddow and laps it all up
I👀 love😍 german🇩🇪 food🍽
What are you some kind of bigot?
Son, you are a boy not a girl. *Police break down door*
Quite literally that was the case prior to Doug Ford becoming the leader of Ontario
I pray for the day when this dark time of history has passed
- 2 centuries later -
Now I gonna cry
i like how putin is just a fat guy
Why not tape
why superglue
Superglue is more entertaining
skin doesn't cling with superglue as well
Because it's environmentally friendly
Is the production of superglue environmentally friendly