Message from @nobuyuki
Discord ID: 603453815244587028
doing it
idgaf where you stick your cock (as long as its not kids) (or real animals)
Speaking of furries,
the only way this issue can be solved is if were in a scifi setting where all soldiers get brainwashed to only focus on the war and nothing else, their identity, their families , their personality, all wiped clean
until then our armies are manned by people who have people problems
i just don't need to be reminded that you have that power 24/7
Penis power
just be gay
or go be trans
if you wanna normalize it, just go do it
You know what makes me sad
quit stopping to remind everyone that you exist
we already know
your very existence normalizes it and gets the job done (unless you're a sick fuck that wants to diddle kids/animals in which case please go commit slip n' slide)
Gay ppl being told they're trans for some reason if they're not
Or transbians who just have an autistic fixation on femininity
people with identity problems **need** to feel more people around them are just like them, theyre subconciously seekign approval
Usually exclusively
like if im a flip identitarian id be obsessed with demanding hollywood cast more flip actors because im insecure being in a population where everyone else isnt a flip
You are the forgotten asian
hot take btw : i feel most trans trenders are just dudes with crossdressing fetishes who want to cash in on victum bux
30% of Canada
especially with drag queens
Drag is its own thing
Some trans ppl, specifically identitarians, see drag as a negative distraction
thats what i keep saying to my friends
There is a lot of factional fighting
isnt drag supposed to be the blackface of trans people?
like they intentionally dress up like extravagant clowns
the only thing that pisses me off is parents that enable their kids to do drag
Some intersectionals want too bring in drag but i think people know enough about it to know it waters down their point
and im genuiney confused is my sister, who is an otherwise perfectly functioning member of society, really loves watching this popular youtube series hosted by drag queens
like idc if its adults that wanna dress up like autistic peacocks
Drag is essentially crossdressing theater
just leave the kids out of it man
thats just a recipe for disaster in the long run