Message from @Jokerfaic
Discord ID: 604886472197406720
@Jokerfaic yes
Im more than simply a brony but people get really butthurt and don't want to know about that
clop fiction author?
Yes, no, but I mean other stuff that might be more agreeable
people get butthurt that you like more aggreeable shit........? That's actually less shocking once I write that out
So Jack...just how many bronies are/were there in the armed forces, anyhow?
I mean, there's this one guy who makes analysis videos, who used to be in the Marine Corps Band...
god help me, I find myself wanting the answer to that now, too
@Jokerfaic they get butthurt that im a brony and don't want to move past it
@Goodwood of Dank™ I got out 5 years before that started
Im old
Ah, I see.
so they're pissy that you won't *expand* your degeneracy?
But had you been in the Army at the time, you would still have become a brony, no?
I mean, mine expands like fucking wildfire, and frankly I find that more unnattractive than you being consistent
No @Jokerfaic I mean we could talk about something else, but they want to be a butthole "Durr hurr you're a brony, fuk off fgt everyfing u say dun matter"
@Goodwood of Dank™ I don't know
An honest answer. Good to hear.
this is the internet
I did the brony thing because I thought the show was cute and I got interested in the art and music
Started hanging with some online and suddenly
And personally, Jack, I wouldn't have a problem with you if you diidn't keep going on about traps and dicks all the fucking time.
They were fun to be with. It felt good.
@Goodwood of Dank™ But you get so butthurt, it's amusing.
I know.
I don't hate you.
Maybe if you guys weren't so easy to troll it wouldn't be an issue.
I can't help but twist the knife, sorry
Eh, it happens.
I have this bizarre aura around me, I'm pretty open (online) about being a furry, and yet whatever community I'm in, someone else is ragged on for it.
Generally-speaking, it's the traps and transtrenders I don't like.
and most of the time they aren't one
"I find your interests distasteful!" -everyone
Eww, a furry.
"oh DO you now? Well how about this?!" -Me